2 minute read

1,500 Students Celebrate Israel at Emory

Often, activism for Israel consists of lectures and campaigns. But at Emory University, CAMERA-supported group Emory Students for Israel wanted to bring Israel to life, so they held an Israel fest right in the middle of campus. The festival was divided between different sections, representing different cities in Israel. One station...

2 minute read

Israel is 69 Years Young

Today is Israel’s 69th Yom HaAtzmaut. Israelis and friends of Israel around the world, celebrate the Independence Day of this amazing country. There is so much to celebrate about Israel’s past year. Israeli start-up Mobileye was sold to Intel for $15.3 billion, as investment in Israeli start-ups continues to pour in. Israel’s economic...

2 minute read

Yom HaShoah in Israel

On Monday, Israel marked Yom HaShoah, national Holocaust Memorial Day. It is a unique event in the national calendar, as the country pauses to remember and mourn for the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. On Sunday evening, shops and restaurants close early, and the streets are...

2 minute read

Israeli Students Association Hosts Screening of Igal Hecht’s “My Home”

The Israeli Students Association (ISA), a CAMERA-supported group, recently hosted Igal Hecht, an esteemed Canadian-Israeli filmmaker, at York University. Hecht screened his latest documentary titled “My Home”, which explores the views and experiences of Israel’s various minorities groups, which collectively comprise 20% of the population. The film features interviews with...

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