3 minute read

My Zionist experience in Azerbaijan and the UK

It has become common knowledge that the atrocities committed by Palestinians in Gaza on October 7 2023 emboldened the already widespread antisemitism in the West. From the mainstream media refusing to call Hamas a terrorist organisation to university campuses that have become no-go-to zones for Jewish and Zionist students in the UK and US...

12 minute read

Wikipedia’s Fundamental Sourcing Problem

Note from the editor of the CAMERA on Campus Blog: This article was written and published by Aaron Bandler, a reporter for the Jewish Journal (Los Angeles). CAMERA on Campus is proud to share their incredible work with our readers. In what world are Al Jazeera, MSNBC and Mother Jones...

21 minute read

Campus Anxiety

Note from the editor of the CAMERA on Campus Blog: This article was written and published by Aaron Bandler, a reporter for the Jewish Journal (Los Angeles). CAMERA on Campus is proud to share their incredible work with our readers. Pollster Frank Luntz held a focus group of 23 Jewish...

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