CAMERA’s Regional Campus Coordinator Gilad Skolnick has been traveling across the northeast, speaking about recognizing media bias and CAMERA’s work. At the Chabad Rohr Center for Jewish Life, catering to Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, and Haverford Colleges, students who had recently returned from a CAMERA supported Birthright Trip had the opportunity to learn more about CAMERA as well as about common misconceptions and inaccuracies about Israel.

At Cornell, our CAMERA supported pro-Israel group, CIPAC, met with CAMERA’s Regional Campus Coordinator and discussed strategies for this coming semester. Last semester, they brought Israel’s highest ranking Muslim diplomat to their campus.

At the Israel Campus Summit taking place at Northeastern, Skolnick spoke to a crowd of over 100 about media bias and how to defend Israel on campus. The Israel Campus Summit introduced incoming Consul General of Israel to New England, Yehuda Yaakov, and was cosponsored by CJP – Greater Boston’s Jewish Federation, Consulate General of Israel to New England, Northeastern University Hillel, The David Project, Hasbara Fellowships, and CAMERA.

Meet the incoming Consul General of Israel to New England with this clip below:
CAMERA’s Gilad Skolnick is featured on