This year, for the first time ever, CAMERA has a campus Fellow at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Clark student Seth Greenwald has taken on the responsibility and is starting off by reaching out to friends and other Israel activists on campus.
At the first meeting of the Clark pro-Israel group, CHAI, Seth gave a presentation about CAMERA to the executive board of the group as well as new students who were interested in learning more about media bias. Seth reported that the intimate group had a chance to discuss this past summer’s situation in the Middle East in a meaningful, fact-based way, and were able to sign up to receive more information about CAMERA’s work.

“Students who attended will now continuously receive updates about my work with CAMERA as well as events both on Clark and in the community that they can attend in order to continue their Israel advocacy,” said Seth.
We can’t wait to put down CAMERA roots on a new campus, and we’re proud and happy to have such an enthusiastic campus rep. Yay, Seth!