On October 9th, Dr. Anat Berko visited the University of South Florida campus as part of CAMERA’s Less Hamas More Hummus campaign. CAMERA Fellow Danielle Haberer hosted the event with CCAP group Bulls for Israel, which drew a diverse crowd of 55 students and professors.

Danielle reported that the event successfully engaged the audience, recalling that several students approached her after the lecture and and indicated that they found the presentation extremely interesting. One student said she was going to conduct further research on Dr. Berko and her work.
One of the most interesting questions was one about Dr. Berko’s access to the thought processes of those who attempt or dispatch others to attempt terrorism. A student wondered whether it is difficult for those Dr. Berko interviews to open up to her, knowing she is Israeli – the “enemy.” Dr. Berko’s answer—that as the daughter of Jewish refugees from Iraq, who adapted many things from Arabs, she understands the culture from inside and is able to empathize with the social mores—was especially fascinating to the audience.
Contributed by Samantha Mandeles