All great things come to an end, and vacation is no different. But at Ohio State, CAMERA-supported group Buckeyes for Israel got straight back to work supporting Israel on campus!
A number of students attended the Spring Involvement Fair at the beginning of the semester, to represent Buckeyes for Israel and let students know about upcoming Israel events on campus.

There was also an event entitled “Welcome Back: Latest Headlines on Israel” where students came to discuss the latest news from Israel, as well as hear about upcoming events on campus. It had been a turbulent few weeks, with the controversial Resolution 2334 at the United Nations, and the terrorist attack on January 8th in Jerusalem, in which four IDF soldiers were killed. As well as catching up on the headlines from Israel, it was also an opportunity to hear from students who had visited Israel themselves over the break. Many students had been on trips with Birthright, Hasbara Fellowships and the Zionist Organization of America. It has been acknowledged even by senior politicians, that to actually see and experience Israel firsthand is invaluable for someone who wants to really understand the country, and it is great that many students got that opportunity – and could share their experiences with their peers!

Buckeyes for Israel is already planning “Israel Week” for two months from now – so stay tuned for an incredible week of Israel activism and education on campus! We wish all our groups a fantastic semester of Israel activities!