Our 2011-2012 CAMERA Fellow Rachel Bandler just published an op-ed in the MIT Tech. Click here to check it out! She does an amazing job highlighting the hatred and hypocrisy behind the BDS movement as well as briefly outlining its origins.
Hello World!
Welcome to In Focus, the new CAMERA on Campus blog! The aim of this blog is to update readers about regarding inaccurate information about Israel spread on the campus, CAMERA related news and more. Currently there is a new wave of hostility on campus directed as Israel and her supporters...
Will Kent State say ‘Enough’?
Yet another tenured professor has abused his position to defame and attack Israel on campus without, it seems, any professional repercussions. Kent State University’s Prof. Julio Pino’s cry of “Death to Israel,” hurled at a visiting Israeli diplomat during a university forum, has made national and international news. The professor’s...