CAMERA extends our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. On the 13th anniversary of these despicable attacks, we remember and mourn for the great losses we all experienced on that day. May the memories of all those who perished...
EMET Israel at UM a Hit on Campus
On September 3, CCAP-supported pro-Israel group, EMET Israel at the University of Miami, hosted a wildly successful Welcome BBQ on campus. The goal of the event was to increase EMET’s reach on campus, and to spread the word about Israel and EMET’s work. Samantha Sussmane, a CCAP student with EMET...
This Is What a Zionist Looks Like!
CAMERA on Campus’ campaign This Is What a Zionist Looks Like has been gaining major traction on social media. The campaign, created over the summer by Allies of Israel founder and CAMERA consultant Chloe Simone Valdary, began by using beautiful, iconic images of well-known actors, activists, and musicians who identify (or...
How I Became a VIP (Very Israeli Person)
Ariella Charny, former CAMERA Fellow at Tufts University, made aliyah to Israel after graduating. She will begin her national service to the Israel Defense Forces in the Spokesperson’s unit this November. This piece was republished in The Algemeiner. It’s June 2009. I am in Israel on a CAMERA Student Leadership trip, on...
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism: Harmony Outside NYU
Yesterday, a student at New York University captured an image of someone who has found a rather special way of expressing his constitutional rights to free speech. The campus library stoop has apparently been graced with the presence of this man for quite a while, always parroting some variation of his...
CAMERA Fellow at Yeshiva University Spreads the Word!
CAMERA’s new class of Fellows is already making us proud! At Yeshiva University, Fellow Jonathan Razon tabled for CAMERA during the school’s club fair. Jonathan reported that “The event went very well. I ended up with over 30 sign-ups and a possible new partnership with two other clubs on campus.” Jonathan was even able...
Concern Regarding SJP at Simmons College
Dear President Drinan, My name is Allison Moldoff and I am a junior here at Simmons College. Last semester I went on a study abroad in Tel Aviv, Israel. Upon my return, I was chosen as a Campus Fellow for CAMERA: The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in...
Zionist Students Stand Strong at SUNY Binghamton
The school year has barely started for most American universities, but noxious, anti-Israel campus groups are already peppering the campus landscape with propaganda that smacks of hatred, anti-Semitism, and good, ol’ fashioned blood libels. Despite a sizable Jewish population, SUNY Binghamton in upstate New York is one of the unfortunate...