2 minute read

Spirit of Hanukkah

Neither Greek nor Roman nor Spanish nor Persian Not Assyrian, nor German, or fierce Babylonian Not Egypt with Pharaohs and laws so draconian could stop our forward march. Not ‘Students for Justice in Palestine,’ Not here, not now, not at any time, Not Judith Butler, or Hatem Bazian could stop...

3 minute read

A Misleading Representation

This piece was written by CAMERA’s 2014-2015 Fellow at the University of Michigan, Lindsay Hurwitz.  It was originally published in the Michigan Daily, and is reproduced in full below. Oct. 8, 2014, was a beautiful, sunny day in Michigan, one of those rare days where even the weather seems to...

4 minute read

David Sheen, Lying Machine

This piece was contributed by 2014-2015 Florida State University CAMERA Fellow, Stephanie Jablon.  Shouldn’t student organizations bring in guest speakers who promote a positive, educational experience? Shouldn’t these speakers spread knowledge that is both truthful and helpful? As college students, we have the opportunity not only to pick from a...

3 minute read

Thankful to CAMERA

By Jemmie Tejeda, Clark University CAMERA Israel Trip 2014 participant Weeks before embarking on my first trip to Israel with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, family and friends came together to advise me of the perils I would encounter on my trip to the Middle...

5 minute read

Israel: The Start Up Nation

By 2014 Israel Trip participant, Nikki Keister, of the College of William and Mary Quick, answer three questions for me. What country has the highest ratio of university degrees in its population? What country has the highest concentration of startups in the world? What country has more companies listed on...

5 minute read

Settlements and Law

ARE SETTLEMENTS REALLY ILLEGAL? WRITTEN BY ELISA GREENBERG THE FOURTH GENEVA CONVENTION Reuters, BBC, and The Guardian are among a number of mainstream media outlets that often claim Israel illegally occupies Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank of Jordan) and illegally occupied Gaza before Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal from 21 settlements (8,500...

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