This post was contributed by CAMERA Boston Intern, Chaiel Schaffel. The CAMERA on Campus team was deeply saddened to learn of yet another terror attack perpetrated against innocent civilians in Israel today. The attack occurred in Tel-Aviv this morning, when a 23-year-old Palestinian Arab named Hamza Matrouk began stabbing commuters on bus #40...
CCAP’s Anteaters For Israel Spreading the Word at UC Irvine
Anteaters For Israel (AFI), our CCAP group at UC Irvine, has been conducting successful events throughout the Fall 2014 semester. The group started the year off by tabling on campus to attract potential new AFI members while promoting a positive image of Israel after an extremely tumultuous summer. The group took...
On Martin Luther King Day, We Remember His Legacy and Love
In the United States, we set aside a day in January, on or near his birthday, to commemorate the life and work of one of the greatest leaders in American history. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a dedicated Zionist. He remains an inspiration to the Jewish people and to...
CCAP Dragons For Israel Hosts International Photojournalist: Gil Cohen-Magen
In the beginning of November 2014, our CCAP group at Drexel University, Dragons for Israel, hosted the well-known Israeli Photojournalist Gil Cohen-Magen. The group hoped that Cohen-Magen would stir interest in the State of Israel as well as bring out a crowd of Drexel students. The event was quite a success! Over 20...
Madison Israel Club Looks to Provide New Voice on Campus
This piece was originally published by Josh Mendelowitz, an active member in the Madison Israel Club, in The Badger Herald. The Madison Israel Club is a CAMERA Campus Activist Project group. Just before Thanksgiving break, four Rabbis, three of whom were American citizens, went to their Jerusalem synagogue for routine...
CAMERA Alum Continues to Monitor Anti-Israel Propaganda on Campus
Over the last 10 years, CAMERA has educated and trained dozens of exceptional students to speak up for Israel on campus. Not only do our CAMERA Fellows (now completing the 10th year of the program) advocate for truthful coverage of the Middle East during their time on campus, they continue to...
Witnesses of History: Naor
This piece was contributed as part of our Witnesses of History campaign by Naor Amir, a 2014 CAMERA Israel Trip participant, and a 2014-2015 CAMERA Fellow at the University of Florida. For young Israelis growing up in Southern Israel, the sound of sirens have long been inscribed into the psyche....
CAMERA Fellow at Claremont Colleges Published!
This piece was originally published in The Student Life at Pomona College. It is reproduced in full below. Connecting Zionism and Civil Rights By Elliott Hamilton As we commemorate Rosa Park’s triumphant refusal to go to the back of a segregated bus on Dec. 1, 1955, an action that catalyzed...