3 minute read

Northeastern Univ. Professor Abuses Platform To Preach Anti-Semitism

This piece was contributed by CAMERA’s Simmons College Fellow, Allison Moldoff and Northeaster University Huskies for Israel student Allie Glushanok. It was originally published at TruthRevolt. An alarming video posted by Americans for Peace and Tolerance on YouTube shows Muhammad Shahid Alam, a Northeastern University professor, boasting about violating free speech of pro-Israel...

2 minute read

Bulls for Israel Bring New Students In

Bulls for Israel, our Emet for Israel (formerly CCAP) group at the University of South Florida, hosted a successful event entitled Understanding Israel this past fall semester, with the hopes of educating students about Israel’s culture and the impact it has on the world. The event consisted of three “stations” between which students...

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