CAMERA Fellow at the University of Florida, Naor Amir, just published an article in The Alligator refuting false claims made by SJP student Amanda Nelson. In her piece, Nelson advocated the boycott of companies that do business with Israel. Naor contradicted her claims and advocated, instead, for a more comprehensive understanding...
Eagles For Israel Hosts Anat Berko
Eagles For Israel, the Emet for Israel student group at Boston College, organized a successful event where Anat Berko, author of The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children as Suicide Bombers, was invited to speak about her personal conversations with women and children who have attempted to become suicide bombers. Berko was...
Over 1,000 students visit Laurentian’s Emet for Israel’s Table
This post was contributed by LUJSA Emet for Israel Liaison Sidney Shapiro. For the second year in a row, LUJSA (the Laurentian University Jewish Students Association), with support from CAMERA, held our Chanukah donut giveaway. From 9am to 7pm, we held an early Chanukah greeting event, and helped students feel...
CAMERAonCampus Editor Quoted Re BDS
BDS With a Twist: Campus Divestment Target More Than Israel This piece, regarding recent divestment resolutions at Stanford University and the University of California system, quotes our Editor-in-Chief. It was originally published at, and is excerpted below. For more, read the full piece, here. While two recent student resolutions...
CAMERA on Campus Alum: Changing the World, One E-Bike at a Time
CAMERA on Campus alumnus, University of Pittsburgh Fellow 2010-2011 Micah Toll, is an inventor. During his career as a CAMERA Fellow, Micah made waves by inviting Sgt. Benjamin Anthony to campus. Anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine attempted to disrupt the talk, and even video-taped their disturbances. After watching their video,...
Clark University Hosts “Less Hamas More Humus: Featuring Noam Bedein and the Reality of Israelis Living Under Rocket Fire in Sderot”
At the beginning of October, Clarkies Helping and Advocating for Israel (CHAI), the pro-Israel group at Clark University, hosted Noam Bedein for their Less Hamas More Hummus event. Bedein is the founder and director of the Sderot Media Center, a media advocacy center which portrays the human face of Sderot and Southern Israel under siege, to the...
Shooting Under Fire: Great Danes For Israel Host Gil Cohen-Magen
During the autumn semester, CAMERA’s Emet for Israel group at the University of Albany, Great Danes For Israel (GDFI), recently hosted an event entitled Shooting Under Fire in an effort to engage and inform a diverse audience about current events in Israel from an unbiased perspective. Gil Cohen-Magen, a photojournalist who has...
CAMERA Fellow Allison Moldoff Brings Kay Wilson To Campus
CAMERA Fellow at Simmons College, Allison Moldoff, hosted Kay Wilson, a British-born Israeli tour guide, jazz musician and cartoonist, at Northeastern University. Wilson is the survivor of a brutal terror attack that occurred while she was guiding in December 2010. Since the attack, she has become an amazing motivational speaker. At...