Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO), the pro-Israel student group at Binghamton University, united with multiple student groups– including the Arts Club– to host Gil Cohen-Magen, an Israeli photojournalist who has documented key occurrences in Israel. Cohen-Magen discussed the difficulties of living in Israel during a war. Since the event was co-sponsored...
Activism Ideas: Dragons For Israel Shares “Cookies For Peace!”
Dragons For Israel (DFI), the pro-Israel student group at Drexel University, hosted an event titled “Cookies For Peace” in an effort to share facts about Israel to the student body. During the event, members of DFI distributed cookies with facts about Israel to students passing by. DFI member and CCAP representative,...
An Unrelenting Double Standard
This piece was contributed by our CAMERA Fellow at the University of Michigan, Lindsay Hurwitz. It was originally published in The Michigan Daily and is reproduced in full below. You know that moment when you realize your sister gets away with sneaking out on a Saturday night while you are...
Students Supporting Israel at IU Hosts Anat Berko
In late October, our Emet for Israel organization, Students Supporting Israel (SSI) at Indiana University, held an event titled Inside the Mind of a Terrorist. The student group invited Anat Berko, author of The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children as Suicide Bombers, to speak about her personal conversations with women and...
Mahmoud Abbas Can’t be Considered a Moderate
This piece was contributed by Concordia University‘s 2014-2015 CAMERA Fellow, Bradley Martin. It has been republished in The Algemeiner. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently marched with world leaders in Paris in a gesture of unity; just days after Islamic extremists slaughtered 17 people. While much of the Western world...
Owls For Israel at FAU Host Ted Deutch and Izzy Ezagui!
Owls For Israel, the Emet for Israel pro-Israel student group at Florida Atlantic University, organized a student leadership dinner to kick off the year in a strong way. Student leaders united for the event to hear from Congressman Ted Deutch about the importance of the US-Israel relationship. CCAP representative, Zachary Pastor,...
Why SJP is Antithetical to Stanford Values
This piece was originally published in The Stanford Daily on February 9, 2015 by Stanford student Sophie Schulman. It is reproduced in full below. Why SJP is Antithetical to Stanford Values “Don’t come back,” was the last thing I heard as I walked out of Stanford SJP’s (Students for Justice in...
Success with Elliot Chodoff at the University of Windsor
This piece was contributed by our Emet for Israel Liaison at the University of Windsor, Trevor Sher! We are so proud of UWJSA and Trevor! The University of Windsor Jewish Students Association was privileged to be able to bring guest speaker Elliot Chodoff to campus on January 19th to talk...