< 1 minute read

Happy Passover!

Tonight is the first night of Passover, (Pesach in Hebrew), one of the three harvest holidays on the Jewish calendar (the other two are Shavuot and Sukkot). Learn more about Passover here, and click here to read a recent article about the significance of the holiday, and the Torah portions...

2 minute read

CAMERA Takes Assi Azar on Tour

Assi Azar, an Israeli television personality and the host of Israel’s number one most watched TV show, is going on a nine campus tour thanks to CAMERA. Our goal is to teach students about the progressive nature of Israel and the LGBTQ community there. His tour started on March 30th...

3 minute read

Laurentian U Emet Students and Profs On IAW

This Letter-to-the-Editor (reproduced in full, below) was published originally in The Lambda, and written by Sidney Shapiro-  the CAMERA Liaison of the Emet for Israel group at Laurentian University, LUJSA. It was signed by: Sidney Shapiro, LUJSA President Kirk Unger, LUJSA VP Jordan Feldberg, LUJSA VP Emily Caruso Parnell, President, Shaar Hashomayim...

5 minute read

The Israeli Genocide Myth

This piece was contributed by our Emet for Israel Liaison at the University of Windsor, Trevor Sher. It is a follow up to this piece, and was originally published in the Times of Israel. It is reproduced in full below.  In the first part of this article I discussed the myth spread...

2 minute read

Noam Bedein: Life in a War Zone

On February 23rd, CAMERA Fellow Kailee Jordan hosted Sderot-based journalist Noam Bedein to SFSU to discuss life under constant Hamas rocket fire. In hosting the event, Kailee said that she wanted people on campus to catch a glimpse of a tangible and realistic experience in Israel, as well as how strong the Israeli citizens...

2 minute read

Noam Bedein: Life in a War Zone

On February 23rd, CAMERA Fellow Kailee Jordan hosted Sderot-based journalist Noam Bedein to SFSU to discuss life under constant Hamas rocket fire. In hosting the event, Kailee said that she wanted people on campus to catch a glimpse of a tangible and realistic experience in Israel, as well as how strong the Israeli citizens...

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