3 minute read

Declare Your Freedom

This piece was contributed by CAMERA Consultant Chloé Simone Valdary. CAMERA is a major sponsor and supporter of DYF. April 12, 2015 was a day of transcendence. Originally founded by myself and Maor Shapira, the third annual DYF Music Festival took place at Tulane University in collaboration with EMET for...

2 minute read

Yom Ha’atzmaut

Contributed by CAMERA intern Aaron Hunt. Today is Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, which occurs on the anniversary of 5 Iyar (May 14), 1948, when David Ben-Gurion announced Israel’s independence. This year, the fifth of Iyar falls on a Friday, so Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated today to avoid conflicting with...

< 1 minute read

Yom Hazikaron

Contributed by CAMERA intern Sarah Salinger. Today is Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance, which is observed every year to honor those who have died in wars to protect Israel and as a result of terror attacks. This year, Yom Hazikaron is especially painful for friends and families of the...

2 minute read

CAMERA Brings Benjamin Anthony to UConn

On Wednesday, April 1, CAMERA fellow Ali Jabick at the University of Connecticut hosted a talk with Sergeant Benjamin Anthony (res.) from the organization Our Soldiers Speak at the UConn Trachten-Zachs Hillel House. Sgt. Anthony was invited to bring awareness to students about the nature of the IDF and to...

3 minute read

CAMERA Fellow Published: Israel and LGBTQ Rights

Contributed by Concordia University CAMERA Fellow Bradley Martin. This piece was published in the Link‘s special LGBTQ Issue. It is reproduced in full below.  Israel and LGTBQ Rights Why Israel Provides a Model for LGTBQ Rights Other Nations Should Follow Published March 25, 2015 While there is certainly much debate and controversy on...

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