3 minute read

Tel Aviv Pride: Blackmail or Celebration?

By CAMERA intern Shoshana Kranish  Back in June, Tel Aviv celebrated its 18th Pride Parade, the end to a week-long celebration filled with parties and beautiful people—Israeli and foreign, gay and straight. While the numbers are not exact, it is estimated that upwards of 200,000 people attended this year’s event,...

< 1 minute read

Pro-Israel Event at SF State

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Kailee Jordan. On May 12, Professor Michael Leitner shared his experience with the various Israeli peace programs including Mifalot, Sports for Peace, and more, which are designed to bring together children of different backgrounds socially through sports, dance, etc., with students at San Francisco State. Sharing his...

2 minute read

Israel and the Civil Rights Movement

Contributed by CAMERA fellow Elana Zelden The black civil rights movement has a very similar origin to that of the Zionist movement. They both stem from discrimination that began due to race or ethnicity. These movements were responses to oppression in what should have been a free society, in the...

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