On Thursday March 31st, The Youth Organization for Israel, the pro-Israel organization at Baruch College, had the privilege of hosting Chloe Valdary. She is an African American pro-Israel activist, who speaks at various universities across the country about Israel activism and the importance of taking a stand to support the things...
Media Bias: Addressing the Unaddressed
On April 4th, Syracuse Students for Israel hosted journalist Liz Wahl for an event educating the campus community on the issue of media bias, especially concerning Israel. Wahl rose to prominence following her on-air resignation from the state-owned Russia Today network after becoming aware of RT’s blatant censorship of Russian...
Celebrating Israel’s Independence on Campus
Yom Ha’Atzmaut is one of the most meaningful holidays in Israel. It is followed right after Yom Ha’Zikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror. Every year, the citizens of Israel make the transition from darkness to light, anguish to gratitude, death to life, tears to utter joy....
We Can Only Be Optimistic
As the academic calendar comes to a close in the UK, the new challenges begin to open on campus. On Wednesday the 20th of April, delegates of the UK National Union of Students gathered together in Brighton to vote for their new NUS president. This elected role of president is...
Tell the Truth
“Israel is not a witness to be put on a stand for cross-examination,” Sergeant Benjamin Anthony said in addressing students at a Realize Israel NYU event on Tuesday, March 29th. Sergeant Anthony, founder of Our Soldiers Speak, was discussing the gross double standard to which Israel is constantly held in the...
We’re Sending Iran the Wrong Message
On Tuesday, March 13th, Vice President Joe Biden was in Israel discussing prospects for peace with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who, in the classic fashion of Israel’s “partners for peace,” rejected all proposals. At the same time not too far away, Iran was busy test-firing ballistic missiles capable of...
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: An Open Letter to Mamdouh Shoukri
We are writing this statement to offer a student perspective on the recent events at York University, specifically the formation of the President’s Advisory Committee on Inclusion and President Mamdouh Shoukri’s subsequent statements to The CJN. Under President Shoukri’s near-decade-long tenure, the university administration has demonstrated alarming apathy in the face of...
Letter to the Editor: Thoughts of a Graduating Senior
To the past, present and future Buckeyes, I wanted to share a few thoughts before I walk at commencement: To the high school senior who just accepted her college admissions; to the students who lived down the hall sophomore year; to my fellow graduating seniors and everyone in between: I want...