4 minute read

Six Years of Civil War

March 15th 2017 marks the six year anniversary of the war in Syria. Since 2011, there have been thousands killed and injured in fighting, 4.9 million refugees, and 6.3 million displaced people within the country’s borders. The numbers are unimaginable, and the stories told through photos are unbelievable. Apart from...

6 minute read

Q+A with Hen Mazzig

Tomorrow (Tuesday March 14th) Hen Mazzig begins his East Coast campus tour with CAMERA. Just before he took off for New York, we sat down with Hen to learn more about him and his passion for Israel education. Aron: Hi Hen, its great to speak with you! Hen: Likewise!  Aron: Your upcoming tour with CAMERA on...

2 minute read

I am a Zionist.

I’m afraid to say it out loud sometimes because it’s become a bad word of late. I believe in Israel’s right to exist and its necessity. I put great faith in the Jewish right to self-determination and have a deep love for the State of Israel. This makes me a...

2 minute read

Israel, You Have a Baseball Team!

While Israel has had some notable sporting achievements in the past year, the words “Israel” and “baseball” do not naturally seem to go together. But all that is changing, as Israel, the lowest ranked team at the 2017 World Baseball Classic, have turned heads with two incredible wins in their opening...

2 minute read

The Guardian Whitewashes Charges of Antisemitism Against Malia Bouattia

An article in the Guardian, written by their education correspondent Sally Weale, focused on recent reports of hate crimes targeting Jews at Exeter, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sussex and University College London.  Among the people interviewed in the article (UK universities urged to a tackle rising tide of antisemitism, Feb. 18th) was NUS President Malia Bouattia....

3 minute read

The Dangers of Divestment

Less than one year after USG voted down OSU Divest’s attempt to divest from Israel, the group has yet again pushed the issue onto the ballot. They claim the sole purpose of this bill is to fight for social justice, and to create financial neutrality by preventing OSU from using...

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