2 minute read

Israeli Students Association Hosts Screening of Igal Hecht’s “My Home”

The Israeli Students Association (ISA), a CAMERA-supported group, recently hosted Igal Hecht, an esteemed Canadian-Israeli filmmaker, at York University. Hecht screened his latest documentary titled “My Home”, which explores the views and experiences of Israel’s various minorities groups, which collectively comprise 20% of the population. The film features interviews with...

4 minute read

Hen Mazzig Delivers at Boston College

On March 20th, CAMERA-supported group Eagles for Israel, along with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), hosted Hen Mazzig at Boston College. As the CAMERA Fellow at BC, and as Co-President of the university’s only official pro-Israel advocacy group, I was ecstatic about the opportunity...

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