2 minute read

“On the Map” Review

As an American Jew who grew up attending Hebrew School on Sundays and Jewish sleepaway camp during the summer, I have seen more than my fair share of Israel documentaries.  I’ve watched videos on everything from the Raid on Entebbe to Israel’s irrigation system, and I can say with complete...

< 1 minute read

Israeli Solar Energy Powering Africa

Over the past few months, Israel’s ties with Africa have strengthened. “Israel is returning to Africa, and Africa is returning to Israel,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in January. This month saw an incredible announcement in connection to this – Energiya Global, an Israeli company, will invest $1 billion in...

< 1 minute read

U.S. Abstention on UN Security Council Resolution 2334 on Israel’s Settlement Activities Distances Peace

‘UN Security Council Resolution 2334 reflects the modern rise of Palestinian lawfare: using law “to achieve…warfighting objective[s]” against Israel, according to a confidant of PA President Mahmoud Abbas. Having failed over the last half century to shift the balance of power through negotiations and armed resistance, the PA has turned...

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