Jews all around the world take part in celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut, whether it’s in the Old City of Jerusalem or here in America. For Aaron Karas of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, he wanted to make sure that Israel’s Independence Day was celebrated at its full capacity at his university.
Karas, a member of Emory Students for Israel (ESI), an EMET for Israel group, helped to plan Emory’s Yom Ha’atzmaut’s Israel Fest. It was a celebration of Israeli culture through food, music, and other fun activities. The purpose of the event was not only for Jewish students on campus to be able to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut as a community, but for every student at Emory to be exposed to Israeli culture, be educated about Israel’s independence day, and to see Israel in a positive light. CAMERA was a major sponsor of this event.
ESI definitely accomplished their goals, as throughout the day over 1,000 students attended Israel Fest! ESI was able to attract these 1,000+ students to Israel Fest not only with food and music, as mentioned above, but also free t-shirts and sunglasses, attractive decorations, and even a camel. Mazal Tov to ESI on such a successful event!