7 minute read

At Summer Conference, Pro-Israel Students Learn Tools to Respond to Hostile Campus Environment

Universities have long been one of the toughest environments for pro-Israel students. They have battled stilted curriculums when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and more recently, grappled with on-campus pressure in the face of growing BDS activity. Combined with a general uptick in anti-Semitism, including the deadly shootings in...

8 minute read

March 2023: The Apartheid Week Exposed Campaign Returns to Campuses in the US, Canada, Israel and the UK

Newsletter – January/February 2023 CAMERA on Campus’s Apartheid Week Exposed campaign builds upon the success of the last two Apartheid Week Exposed campaigns combining digital, campus, and grassroots activism and arming Jewish and pro-Israel students with the facts to combat the dangerous narrative promoted on their respective campuses. We want...

7 minute read

Year in Review: 2020 Campus Highlights

    Newsletter – 2020 Highlights CAMERA’s Exclusive CAMERA Fellowship Webinars CAMERA on Campus completed its inaugural semester of exclusive webinars for the CAMERA Fellows. The graphic above details the esteemed guests with whom the Fellows were privy to have intimate conversations. The guest speakers touched upon various relevant topics from...

8 minute read

2020 Highlights: A Year in Review

    Newsletter – November/December 2020 CAMERA’s Exclusive CAMERA Fellowship Webinars CAMERA on Campus completed its inaugural semester of exclusive webinars for the CAMERA Fellows. The graphic above details the esteemed guests with whom the Fellows were privy to have intimate conversations. The guest speakers touched upon various relevant topics from...

3 minute read

When Will Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine Stop Endorsing A Terror Organization?

Photo: Kenneth C. Zirkel/Wikimedia Commons On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine shared a post on Facebook from the Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists page. The post read, “This is how you respond to Trump and Netanyahu’s calls for ‘negotiation’ and ‘peace talks’ based on their plan for permanent apartheid”...

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