8 minute read

March 2023: The Apartheid Week Exposed Campaign Returns to Campuses in the US, Canada, Israel and the UK

Newsletter – January/February 2023 CAMERA on Campus’s Apartheid Week Exposed campaign builds upon the success of the last two Apartheid Week Exposed campaigns combining digital, campus, and grassroots activism and arming Jewish and pro-Israel students with the facts to combat the dangerous narrative promoted on their respective campuses. We want...

4 minute read

Mizrahi Jews: The Beauty of Jewish Diversity and the Lie of Israeli ‘Colonialism’

This November, CAMERA on Campus observed Mizrahi Heritage Month through the latest iteration of our Mizrahi Stories campaign, a collaborative effort with partners JIMENA, The American Sephardic Federation, Sephardic Community Alliance, SAMI (Sephardic American Mizrahi Initiative), and Harif. The campaign included participants from the United States, Canada, Israel, and the...

3 minute read

The latest iteration of CAMERA on Campus’s campaign expands efforts to bring visibility to the Jewish communities of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) on college campuses.

Boston, Massachusetts — On November 1st, 2022, CAMERA on Campus will launch the latest iteration of its widely acclaimed Mizrahi Stories campaign that will span the entirety of Mizrahi Heritage Month. “When CAMERA on Campus first launched the Mizrahi Stories campaign in November 2019, our efforts centered on creating spaces...

2 minute read

Standing Up for TICP

Earlier this week, The Israeli Cartoon Project (TICP) posted a Buzzfeed listicle of “Ten Extremely Accurate Cartoons that Depict the Hypocrisy of BDS.” The article was posted to give readers an accurate perspective of Israel’s situation, as well as publicizing TICP’s display at YNet’s Anti-BDS Conference in Jerusalem that took place on Monday. However, the post was immediately taken...

2 minute read

Thank You for Condemning Anti-Semitism, UC

After numerous instances of anti-Semitism on University of California campuses, the UC Board of Regents formally adopted a statement condemning such behavior. This is the first public statement of its kind, which resulted in large part due to numerous instances of students committing acts of antisemitism on campus, often under the guise...

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