Over 300 students attended Queens College Israelfest, a celebration for Israel and her independence hosted by our CAMERA supported group: Israel Student Association (ISA). The event also featured delicious food, volleyball, a rock wall, a Kotel/Western Wall where people could leave notes with their prayers and wishes, and other great activities. A member of ISA recently wrote that thanks to working with CAMERA, “our club was able to branch out, run substantial events (with food!) and I feel it’s stronger than ever.” Click here to apply to be a CAMERA supported group.

ISA brought a camel to campus, which helps remind us that the majority of Israel is desert. Camels have many ties to Israel. An interesting article in the Jerusalem Post about how Israelis today are raising camels in the desert is Living on ‘desert time’, and the word camel even comes from the Hebrew/Phoenician word gamal/ גמל. Scroll below to check out some great pictures from the event.

 541603_508617759174283_302485729_n  67972_508702202499172_1138783070_n queens collegecamel on     
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