The annual Alpha Epsilon Pi Israel Amplified Conference in New York City, of which CAMERA was a sponsor, recently came to an end. It was the largest conference to date, with over 120 students from universities across the country coming together to learn about Israel. This annual conference is the only all Greek Israel advocacy and engagement conference, and is open to all Greek students.


CAMERA sent two campus coordinators to the conference, who led sessions teaching about bias in the media, both national and on campus, and how best to address such issues. Students learned how to recognize when newspapers mislead, how best to respond, and what resources are available to them. Students were also engaged with a variety of other great speakers and events.

Contact our campus team to bring CAMERA to your campus.

How to recognize bias in the media.
How to recognize bias in the media.
Congressman Eliot Engel speaks to conference attendees about our bond with Israel.
Congressman Eliot Engel speaks to conference attendees about our bond with Israel.
Students discussing at our writing workshop.
Students putting a letter to the editor together at our writing workshop.
Writing a letter to the editor.
Discussing the letter to the editor.
Putting together the final pieces in this letter to the editor.
Putting together the final pieces in this intro.

Contributed by Gilad Skolnick

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