BBC not sure cross-border tunnel intended for terror?
The curious use of punctuation in reports on the discovery of a tunnel leading from the Gaza Strip into Israel implies that the BBC is not convinced of the project’s purpose or location. (BBC Watch)
BBC R4 presents jaundiced account of San Remo conference
The BBC’s reliance upon two activist academics to explain the San Remo Conference and the Balfour Declaration produces predictably subjective results. (BBC Watch)
Revealed: How Richard Silverstein was duped again by a phony “source”
When blogger Richard Silverstein isn’t expressing support for the end of the Jewish state, or defending terror groups like Hamas, he’s often busy peddling false “scoops“ based on little or no evidence. (CiF Watch)
Where’s the Coverage? Palestinian Incitement Violates Oslo Accords
The latest untold story. (Snapshots)
The Politics of a Humanitarian Fundraiser
The surprising reactions from anti-Israel groups, when a pro-Israel group tries to fundraise for Syrian refugees. (in Focus)
The Loneliness of Leadership
To what period in Churchill’s life did Netanyahu compare himself? (Presspectiva)
Transforming the speculations in facts
Argentinean media claims that Israel makes between 10 and 15 atomic bombs each year. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)
Spokesmen of an ideology
The Spanish news agency Europa Press has big problems with any fact or data that would invalidate or put in doubt the assumption of the perennial Israeli guilt and vileness. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)
CAMERA’s Campus Team Visits Students in Florida.
CAMERA’s Campus Director Aviva Slomich and Senior Campus Coordinator Samantha Mandeles have just returned from visits with our pro-Israel groups in Florida. Learn about the pro-Israel events happening now in Florida! (in Focus)