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CAMERA on Campus Advisor Walter Holzberg Visits the University of Chicago and DePaul
On May 6th-8th, Senior Campus Advisor Walter Holzberg and Managing Director of CAMERA on Campus, Douglas Sandoval tabled with Maroons for Israel and U Chicago Chabad for Israel Week, interacting with students in center of campus; dispelling the propaganda spread by Students for Justice in Palestine with CAMERA on Campus’ Apartheid Week Exposed printed materials and banners.
See Our AWE Tabling Materials and Banners
CAMERA on Campus Advisor Aaron Goren Visits Cal Poly SLO, UCLA and UCSD
From May 14-17, Campus Advisor Aaron Goren visited Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, UCLA, and UC San Diego to meet with faculty and students during Israel Week. Additionally, Aaron represented CAMERA on Campus at various community events, interacting with both Jewish and non-Jewish students. He educated them on the significance of supporting Israel, a stance that CAMERA reinforces with a basis of truth and facts. See photos from our campus visits below:
(Picture 1 and 2) Campus Advisor Aaron Goren tables with CAMERA on Campus’ Apartheid Week Exposed printed materials, educating students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo about the lies spread by antizionist propagandists.
(Picture 3) Students gather for a class hosted by Cal Poly SLO Hillel and attended by CAMERA on Campus Staff members, Douglas and Aaron. Students involved with Mustangs United for Israel were invited to attend CAMERA’s International Student Leadership Conference in Boston this Summer. (Picture 4) Members of Mustangs United for Israel (MUFI), a pro-Israel advocacy group supported by the CAMERA on Campus Coalition program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo pose for a photo in Downtown San Luis Obispo with Campus Advisor, Aaron Goren and Managing Director for CAMERA on Campus, Douglas Sandoval.
(Picture 5) Campus Advisor Aaron Goren poses with 2024-2025 UCSD CAMERA Fellow Shelley Khaikin on the quad at UC San Diego. (Picture 6) Members of Bruins for Israel, and 2023-2024 UCLA CAMERA Fellow Talia Emrani pose with Campus Advisor Aaron Goren at UCLA Hillel.
Read CAMERA on Campus’ Statement on University Administrators Negotiating with Encampment Organizers

We are deeply disappointed by the actions of administrators at Brown, Rutgers, and Northwestern University, who have acquiesced to demands from Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Over the last month, SJP chapters and their supporters have intensified their propagandistic assault on Jewish students and faculty through disruptive and often violent protests, as well as the construction of massive encampments in common university spaces. In these spaces, students call for “intifada” – violence against Jews, the destruction of the State of Israel, and express support for the terrorist organization Hamas. These displays of antisemitism and extremism have undoubtedly created unprecedentedly hostile environments for Jewish students.

By bowing to the demands of these on-campus hate groups, Presidents Schill, Holloway, and Paxson have sent the message that bigotry and extremism work. Why should students bother following the rules or engaging in respectful dialogue when lawlessness is rewarded?

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 University Presidents Are Betraying Students By Giving Into Anti-Israel Demands
Douglas Sandoval is Managing Director for CAMERA on Campus.

We’ve all seen the headlines: Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters continue to set up encampments and lead disruptive anti-Israel protests at commencement ceremonies, in lecture halls, and at other events.

SJP chapters and their counterparts, including those in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) umbrella, remain committed to their unified post-October 7th message to eliminate Israel, incite violence against all who oppose them, and to whitewash Hamas’ terrorism.

This isn’t a secret. As early as October 8th, SJP chapters across the country praised the Hamas attacks, and five days later, many participated in a “Global Day of Resistance.”

Now, in the face of the belligerent and hateful protests organized by these same bad actors, the presidents of a few academic institutions have chosen to give in to an ignorant and illiberal mob, seeking to placate the bigoted demands of the Hamas terror supporters and their useful idiots.

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CAMERA UK’s Christina Jones on NUS Vote Against UJS
Christina Jones is UK Communications Associate for CAMERA UK.

Last month, delegates at a National Union of Students (NUS) conference voted to stop recognising the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) in a non-binding resolution over their support for Israel.

This vote epitomizes the hostile climate, in which Jewish students across the UK are subjected to hate speech, violence and institutionalised discrimination by faculty, student groups and now, nationalised student unions for their support for Israel.

Those who voted for the exclusion should know that we will continue to expose the double standard levied against Jews and the world’s only Jewish state through this vote.

We are also disappointed by NUS’ attempt to justify this an effort to “take the temperature”.

Though an apology has been issued, this does not mean it has changed the opinions of those who voted for this exclusion of UJS from the NUS. We hope appropriate actions will be taken against those who voted in favor of excluding UJS from the NUS.

Read the JC’s Coverage of the Incident
The Anti-Israel Protests are also an Anti-Civil Rights Protest
Missouri-based Pro-Israel Activist Daniel Swindell (pictured right) at the University of Kansas.
Oliver Brown was an African American pastor and welder living in Topeka, Kansas. In 1951, Oliver attempted to enroll his daughter into an elementary school near his home and his request was denied. Instead, he was instructed to send his daughter to a segregated black school farther away. In response, the Brown family joined a class-action lawsuit against the Topeka Board of Education, alleging that the segregation policy was unconstitutional. In 1954, the Supreme Court issued a decision in favor of the Brown family. The Court ruled that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” This court ruling ultimately led to the end of segregation in the public school systems. In sharp contrast, the anti-Israel protesters are demanding that universities re-establish segregation in the education system.
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The protests aren’t peaceful: Believe their calls for intifada
Alana Goldman is a UNC student double majoring in Global Studies with a concentration in International Politics and the Middle East, and English and Comparative Literature. She is a 2023-2024 CAMERA on Campus Writing Fellow.
Pro-Hamas protesters at UNC Chapel Hill “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” April 28, 2024.(courtesy)

On April 11th, the ADL released the first Campus Antisemitism Report Card, which assessed 85 universities and assigned them a grade (A-F) reflecting the level of antisemitism at each school, according to their research.

Along with MIT, Harvard, and Tufts, my college, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), was 1 of 13 schools to receive an F. I didn’t think antisemitism at UNC was nearly as bad as the Ivies, and I decried the ADL’s methodology, which evaluated public and private universities using the same criteria, amongst other issues.

I have become so desensitized to campus antisemitism that the ADL’s grade surprise me.

It shouldn’t have.

In the past few years, UNC Jews have been subjected to Nazi graffiti, “traditional” antisemitism, student senate BDS resolutions advocating to openly discriminate against us and our Israeli peers, and now cadres of anti-Zionist “protesters” actively try to bully us off campus.

These peers of ours are so brazen in their ignorant or intentional antisemitism that they see no problem suppressing our right to honor Israelis still held hostage by terrorists while demanding their right to lie about how evil we all are for supporting Israel.

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Top 5 Student Activists of 2023-2024
At CAMERA on Campus, we believe in honoring those who have shown great courage and dedication in their efforts in the fight against antisemitism and anti-Israel bias. We are honoring five student activists leading the charge. We praise them for their valiant efforts equally. They are not presented in any particular order.
See Our List
A View from the Ground at UCLA’s ‘Gaza Solidarity Encampment’
Talia Emrani is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Tensions have been rising across college campuses nationwide as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) groups have erected “Gaza Solidarity Encampments” in response to Israel’s conduct during the current Hamas-instigated war.

Hidden between demands for their universities to sever ties with Israel and all Israel-related products, these encampments have not stopped short of promoting violence and antisemitism. Unsurprisingly, UCLA has become a breeding ground for this current wave of Jew-hatred.

Early on the morning of April 25, 2024, UCLA’s SJP chapter set up tents on the university’s main quad, demanding that the university cut ties with Israel and allow them unrestricted protest, regardless of legality.

For eight whole days, these protestors freely expressed their antisemitic and anti-US anarchical rhetoric. Law enforcement eventually intervened, removing the protestors and dismantling the encampment.

But why was such hostility allowed for eight whole days? Why wasn’t this unlawful, hateful demonstration disbanded from the outset?

It’s hard to imagine that administrators felt handcuffed to arguments of free speech. Any other  members spewing hateful, violent rhetoric on campus would never be able to enjoy the same privileges that these encampment members did.

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Students: Apply to Attend The CAMERA Conference in Boston This Summer
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CAMERA on Campus’ Flagship Programs
If you are interested in educating your peers about Israel on campus, correcting misinformation regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict and strengthening your writing or event planning skills, consider applying for one of CAMERA on Campus’s flagship programs described below.
Apply for the 2024-2024 CAMERA Fellowship
The CAMERA Fellowship is an exclusive one-year program with numerous tracks that cater to the strengths and interests of top-tier student activists. The CAMERA Fellowship application and interview process is highly selective but we encourage all interested students to apply. Our Fellows are leaders on campus, proactively spreading the truth about Israel to fellow students, professors, and campus media. Students from across North America, the UK, and Israel are selected based on their in-depth knowledge of the Arab-Israeli conflict, history of Israel, experience with Israel activism on campus, and portfolio of their published work. Fellows receive a stipend upon completion.
Apply to be a 2024-2025 CAMERA Fellow
Apply to join the CAMERA on Campus Coalition
The CAMERA on Campus Coalition provides educational and financial resources for student activists who want to either create a new Israel group on campus or strengthen their existing, but underfunded group. CAMERA on Campus provides guidance and extensive resources to help you build an effective, independent Israel group on campus. Members of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition learn life-long skills in debate, writing, and public speaking, and benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA on Campus staff and CAMERA researchers. Click here to apply to become a member of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition.
Apply to join the CAMERA on Campus Coalition
Featured from This Is Zionism
On college campuses around the world, tens of thousands of college students emphasize “progressive unlearning” while sharing a misleading understanding of what Zionism really means. This irony is not lost on us. Fortunately, Yuval David is here to set the record straight on the definition of Zionism and its history. #ThisIsZionism
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CAMERA on Campus Is Hiring In Boston!
American campuses are in the headlines daily with stories about the challenges Jewish students face. Join the CAMERA on Campus team and take vital action to support those who encounter anti-Israel and antisemitic bias. CAMERA staff ensure that students are provided facts, resources and 24/7 support in coping with complex issues in the classroom and on the quad. CAMERA staff work with student leaders whose voices are amplified and who educate their peers. CAMERA, the oldest and largest Middle East media-monitoring organization in the world, a 40-year veteran of supporting students on campuses and with decades of work in middle and high schools, seeks a social media manager and a campus advisor for its campus division. Now is the time – as Israel and the Jewish world face serious challenges – to commit to ensuring students receive the resources, training and support they need. Make a real difference! Social Media Manager CAMERA seeks a Social Media Manager who can enhance our brand and build strong online communities through our various social media platforms. The Social Media Manager will be responsible for developing and administering social media content that is designed to engage users and create an interactive relationship between our followers and CAMERA on Campus. The successful candidate will also be required to collect and review social media data to develop more effective campaigns. The position will be based in our Boston office. Responsibilities for the position include:
  • Managing all social media accounts associated with CAMERA on Campus.
  • Having a strong understanding of and commitment to CAMERA’s mission.
  • Working closely with the marketing team to develop social media campaigns that fulfill our marketing goals.
  • Creating social media strategy, content, and regularly posting.
  • Analyzing the long-term needs of the company’s social media strategy and offer quarterly reports to the management and executive teams that outline any necessary changes to the digital marketing plan.
  • Requirements for the position include:
  • A bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or a related field.
  • A willingness to relocate and work out of our Boston office.
  • 2+ years’ experience in social media management.
  • Exceptional multi-tasking, problem-solving, and graphic design skills.
  • Ability to read and interpret metrics and analytics data.
  • Familiarity with all social media platforms including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
  • Knowledge of Meta’s advertising platform.
  • Ability to create graphics via Canva is required. Experience with Adobe Creative Suite applications including Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and Premiere Pro is preferred.
  • Basic video editing skills and familiarity with creating social media reels.
  • A passion for empowering college students in the fight against anti-Israel bias and antisemitism.
  • Ability to read, comprehend and write in Hebrew is a plus.
  • Having a strong knowledge of history and politics as it relates to the Middle East, Israel and the Arab Israeli conflict.
  • Having familiarity with various Israel-related pages and influencers on social media.
Salary and Benefits: The salary is competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send a resume, examples of graphic design and/or video samples to No phone calls, please. US Campus Advisor CAMERA seeks a full-time Campus Advisor to join its growing team of young professionals providing support and guidance to students interested in Israel activism. CAMERA on Campus is the university and college-focused department at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis. Founded in 1982, it is a non-partisan non-profit that strives to correct misinformation in mainstream media. The Campus Advisor will oversee CAMERA Fellows on campuses in the United States. This includes helping them to organize educational events on campus and to write op-eds for various news outlets. Furthermore, they will help develop and implement effective measures to expand CAMERA’s campus presence. The position will be based in our Boston office. Requirements for the position include:
  • 1-3 years of relevant work experience.
  • A willingness to relocate and work out of our Boston office.
  • Strong event planning skills.
  • Strong skills in communications, interpersonal relations, and organization.
  • Strong knowledge of history and politics as it relates to the Middle East, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  • Excellent writing/editing skills.
  • Fluency in English.
Salary and Benefits: The salary is competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should send their CV, cover letter, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please.
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“This Is Zionism” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs. To be featured in our  #ThisIsZionism campaign, please follow this link.
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