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As many returned to the university to meet their classmates and professors in-person after close to two years of online networking, CAMERA Fellows were there to help ease the transition for their peers, providing them an outlet to swiftly and easily get involved with pro-Israeli activity. 

Within the first weeks, CAMERA Fellows across North America held joint welcome back to university BBQ’s, shabbat dinners, and workshops with the different cohorts of Jewish and Israeli life on campus. The students built relationships with individual students to help establish themselves as a campus resource to fight anti-Israel bias and antisemitism. The George Washington University CAMERA Fellow for example discussed how the students can work together to improve Jewish student life on campus. While at Northeaster University our CAMERA Fellow presented to his peers on the importance of defending Israel against unjustified hostility on campus.
“Good vs. Evil” Narrative only Serves to Deceive
“At Case Western Reserve University, students are incessantly subject to this logical fallacy by the group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The social-media pages of students were bombarded with anti-Semitic messages during the recent Sheikh Jarrah debacle in eastern Jerusalem this spring. After two weeks of protesting in Cleveland’s Public Square—protests that forced kosher restaurants and Jewish places of worship in the area to request extra security and employees there to fear for their safety—the university still refused to publicize messages directed towards its Jewish students condemning the steep rise in anti-Semitism due to the demonization and delegitimization of the Jewish state. The same students participating in these protests or harassing Jewish students for no reason other than their ethnicity are the same students broadcasting their social-justice efforts.”

Read more at JNS

CAMERA on Campus is Hiring!

CAMERA seeks a full-time campus managing editor to join its growing team of young professionals. Applicants must have a strong working knowledge of the Arab-Israeli conflict and Middle Eastern affairs, excellent writing and editing skills, strong interpersonal skills, and an ability to clearly communicate writing-related feedback and advice to students. Applicants should be comfortable – especially on Twitter – correcting misinformation and engaging with other users. The position is based in Boston. 

Interested applicants should send resumes, cover letters, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please

Click here for more information about the open position.
“Globalize the Intifada”
Over the summer, demonstrations in Brooklyn in support for an “intifada revolution.” The same city where in 2015, the Brooklyn College chapter for Students for Justice in Palestine held on-campus demonstrations in support of the intifada while Israeli were being stabbed in the streets. Hearing proclamations of support for this violent campaign are unfortunately not uncommon. Yet, the average college student doesn’t necessarily know what it’s in reference or the extent of the danger that could arise if these calls for action were heeded.

Through social media, CAMERA on Campus is identifying some of the most common rhetoric put out by anti-Israel activists, such as calls supporting and intifada and using our platforms to educate on its meaning and historical context as well as identifying best practices on how best to respond. 

Make sure to follow us @cameraoncampus on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Exclusive CAMERA Fellowship Event with Blake Flayton
Throughout the academic school year, CAMERA will be providing exclusive webinars for CAMERA Fellows, allowing them to engage in in-depth conversations with some of the most renowned scholars on Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The 2021-2022 CAMERA Fellowship cohort had an intimate conversation with recent George Washington University graduate and co-founder of the New Zionist Congress, Blake Flayton. Blake with the fellows about his campus activism and how to navigate progressive and zionist spaces on college campuses. 
Involved with an independent, student-run Israel group? Apply to become a member of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition!
Israel group and society members of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition learn life-long skills in debate, writing, and public speaking, and benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA scholars. 

If you are part of an independent Israel organization on your campus or want to start an Israel club, apply here!
CAMERA on Campus 2021 Facebook Survey

Please take our survey to help us better educate you on Facebook. Let us know what types of content you want us to report. What is the most enjoyable way you want to us to share this content ie. via articles, videos, graphics, and etc.? We are excited to hear from you, our followers and supporters, on what we can do to better improve our platform to effectively spread accurate and relevant information on Israel and the bias against Israel permeating through the campuses.

לחצו כאן to take our short survey.
Click Here to Support Students
“I grew up in an Israeli-American family in Chicago. Loving Israel was never a question. It was easy, and one of my favorite parts about being Jewish. It is so much apart of who I am. And it became so much apart of the brand too, inspired by the colors, textures and beauty of the land and the history of the Jewish people. My great grandparents immigrated back to Israel in the 1930s. If it wasn’t for self determination of a Jewish homeland and my great grandparents seeing something in that, I probably wouldn’t be here today. For our ancestors, for how far we have come as a people, for continuing to push back against Jew hatred – zionism helps us celebrate our people with more security and hope for the future.”

Thanks, @arieltidhar

“This Is What A Zionist Looks Like” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs.

To be featured in our  #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign, please follow this link.
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