5 minute read

Highlights: A Year in Review – 2017

"In October, Campus Coordinator Ben Suster visited Rutgers campus to counsel the students of CAMERA-supported group Scarlet Knights for Israel and CAMERA Fellow Miriam Waghalter on how to respond to the news of Professor Michael Chikindas's antisemitic Facebook posts. Waghalter and Scarlet Knights for Israel fought hard at Rutgers to...

6 minute read

Alan Dershowitz Praises CAMERA in TV Interview – 2017

"Aviva Slomich, International Campus Director, made the following statement responding to The Daily Californian publishing an extremely antisemitic cartoon of Alan Dershowitz following his lecture at UC Berkeley: 'The editorial cartoon published in The Daily Californian portrays Alan Dershowitz, a Jewish American, as grotesque, conniving, and sinister creature who crushes...

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