Watch:  Alan Dershowitz Praises CAMERA in TV Interview
“CAMERA does great work, they are phenomenal… they do work all around the world, and particularly on college campuses.”   
Campus Communications Associate Lia Lands appeared on English Israeli channel ILTV with Alan Dershowitz to discuss an antisemitic cartoon depicting Professor Dershowitz that was published in UC Berkeley’s campus paper, as well as the support we’ve provided to students. לחצו כאן to watch the clip.
CAMERA on Campus Response to UC Berkeley Campus Paper’s Antisemitic Editorial Cartoon of Alan Dershowitz
Aviva Slomich, International Campus Director, made the following statement responding to The Daily Californian publishing an extremely antisemitic cartoon of Alan Dershowitz following his lecture at UC Berkeley: 

“The editorial cartoon published in The Daily Californian portrays Alan Dershowitz, a Jewish American, as a grotesque, conniving, and sinister creature who crushes a person holding a Palestinian flag while hiding his complicity with the Israeli murder of an innocent man.  Such imagery evokes toxic narratives about Jewish malevolence and, by suggesting that non-Israeli Jews are morally responsible for the alleged actions of Israel, arguably falls within the Working Definition of Antisemitism adopted by the US State Department.

We call upon the The Daily Californian to retract the cartoon, immediately issue an apology, and re-evaluate their editorial and professional standards.”

We worked with Co-Presidents and External Outreach Director of CAMERA-supported group Bears for Israel at UC Berkeley to formulate a response, “Editorial cartoon reflects need to recognize antisemitic imagery“, which was published in the same campus paper.

Rutgers Professor Spews Antisemitic Hate on Social Media
In response to the discovery last week of Rutgers Professor Michael Chikindas’s bigoted Facebook posts, which were antisemitic, homophobic, and sexist in nature, International Campus Director Aviva Slomich responded:

“Professor Chikindas’s posts depict scheming, controlling, and evil Jews, evoking Der Stürmer-style antisemitic imagery which is shared widely by hate and extremist groups on social media. CAMERA on Campus calls on the Rutgers administration to take the necessary actions to ensure that university policy is upheld.”
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CAMERA on Campus Response to
Antisemitic Rutgers Professor
Following the news of the professor’s antisemitism, Campus Coordinator Ben Suster (second from left) visited Rutgers campus to counsel the students of CAMERA-supported group Scarlet Knights for Israel and CAMERA Fellow Miriam Waghalter (center) on how to respond to the incident.

Waghalter and her peers created a petition which has been widely circulated, calling on the university to suspend Professor Chikindas. It will be submitted to the university administration today. So far the petition has over 4,000 signatures, and caught the attention of West Wing actor Josh Malinkas, who tweeted it out to his nearly 250,000 followers. 

Providing an on-campus response, Waghalter also co-authored the piece, “Jewish Students at Rutgers are Banding Together for Justice,” which was published in Rutgers campus paper The Daily Targum. The story and CAMERA’s involvement has also been covered in The Algemeiner.
CAMERA Fellows Attend March for Racial Justice
with Zioness Movement
Photo: Zioness Movement marchers were met with fellow marchers who did not want Zionists to be part of the event.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice CAMERA Fellow Natalie Segev, City College of New York CAMERA Fellow Oshra Bitton, and Brooklyn College CAMERA Fellow Fay Yanofsky attended the March for Racial Justice sister rally in New York at the end of September. The Fellows marched with Zioness Movement, an organization that “believe[s] that it is important for the Jewish and Zionist community to have a strong presence within progressive circles”. At the march, these CAMERA Fellows had a variety of experiences, some positive and some negative, but the overarching message they chose to take away was hope.

In “Nobody Can Take My Progressive Zionism Away From Me,” CAMERA Fellow Fay Yanofsky responds to those who tried to stop her from marching as a Zionist.

In “A Palestinian Flag Gave This Zionist Hope,” CAMERA Fellow Oshra Bitton reminds us that among a crowd of many with anti-Israel views, some are willing to engage in dialogue and consider a different perspective.

In “At March For Racial Justice, I Stood Taller And Raised My Zionist Hands Higher,” CAMERA Fellow Natalie Segev explains that, even though she was discriminated against at the march, she knows it was exactly where she was supposed to be.

Needless to say, we are incredibly proud of these Fellows for standing tall for the facts in the face of adversity.
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CAMERA on Campus UK Holds
Official Launch Event in London
More than 50 students and professionals from around the United Kingdom gathered at the Centre for Jewish Life in London last week for the official launch of CAMERA on Campus UK. Read all about the event here

Reflecting on the launch, CAMERA on Campus UK Associate and Kings College London student Tamara Berens said, “Campus culture in the UK is about to radically change. Jewish students in general, and pro-Israel students in particular, aren’t going to be bullied any longer. We intend to stand up and tell the truth about Israel.”

To watch a recording of the speeches given by International Campus Director Aviva Slomich, CAMERA Fellows (past and present), and UK Associates, click here.

CAMERA on Campus UK is already on eight campuses: Kings College London, SOAS, University College London, University of Strathclyde, Maynooth University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and University of Nottingham.

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