Shana tova u’metukah from the CAMERA on Campus staff!
We wish you and your family a sweet new year.
Encouraging Signs as York University Dismisses Anti-Semitic Faculty Member

On Wednesday, September 14th, York University dismissed faculty member Nikolaos Balaskas after he was found to propagate anti-Semitism on his public Facebook page.

Students from the Israeli Student Association (ISA), a CAMERA-supported group, tipped off B’nai Brith about the nature of Balaskas’ social-media use in June. ISA and B’nai Brith worked together to document Balaskas’ many instances of anti-Semitism and the applicable university policies which he breached. An investigation was launched by the university in mid-August after B’nai Brith Canada filed a formal complaint.


Click here to continue reading this piece by York University CAMERA Fellow Ben Shachar.

CAMERA Fellow, International Campus Director Respond to Controversial Course, Antisemitic Fliers at UC Berkeley

Following the discovery of the factually inaccurate and politically charged course “Palestine: A Settler Colonial Analysis” offered at UC Berkeley, CAMERA Fellow Lily Greenberg Call responded, calling it “a violation of academic integrity.” After the subsequent suspension and reinstatement of the course, CAMERA’s International Campus Director Aviva Slomich commented that the move only showed that “the university can only be viewed as cowing to radical students, professors and their supporters.”

Once the announcement of the initial suspension of the course was made, fliers demonizing Jews appeared on the campus. Slomich added that, “By condoning a class that is so explicit in undermining the Jews’ historical ties to the land of Israel and Israel’s right to continue to exist, the school is perpetuating an antisemitic atmosphere on campus.”
Miko Peled Event Canceled at San Diego State University Following Media Attention
The event, scheduled for September 29th, was canceled by SJP at SDSU on September 27th following a media spotlight on Peled’s antisemitic remarks on Twitter. This included an article written by CAMERA Fellow Anthony Berteaux published in SDSU’s The Daily Aztec, in which he called out his fellow campus activists for their silence on the issue.
Southern Region Campus Coordinator Tatiana Becker Visits Florida Students
Southern Region Campus Coordinator Tatiana Becker (far left) recently visited the University of North Florida, the University of Florida, and CAMERA-supported groups Owls for Israel at Florida Atlantic University, Shalom FIU at Florida International University, Emet Israel at the University of Miami, Knights for Israel at the University of Central Florida, and Noles for Israel at Florida State University.
Arab-Israeli Diplomat George Deek Tours Florida
Photo: Southern Region Campus Coordinator Tatiana Becker with CAMERA-supported group Shalom FIU (Florida International University) with Israeli-Arab Diplomat George Deek. Deek also spoke at CAMERA – sponsored events held by CAMERA-supported groups Knights for Israel at the University of Central Florida and Emet Israel at the University of Miami.

Read “Arab-Israeli Diplomat Tours Campuses to Spread Message of Coexistence” by CAMERA Fellow and Vice President of Knights for Israel Jason Frances.
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A Big Welcome to Harvard Law School!
We are excited to announce the beginning of CAMERA’s support for the Harvard Law School Alliance for Israel, who will be under the guidance of CAMERA’s Director of Campus Programming Gilad Skolnick.
Introducing our 2016-17 CAMERA Fellows
Get to know our 2016-’17 CAMERA Fellows with our new blog series, CAMERA Fellows in Focus! This series will run over the coming weeks.
Jewish National Fund (JNF) and Israeli-American Council (IAC) September conferences
CAMERA’s Director of Campus Programming Gilad Skolnick recently spoke on the panel “50 Years Since the Six Day War: Standing for Israel- Challenges and Opportunities” at the IAC’s National Conference in Washington, DC. Earlier in the month, Skolnick lectured on responding to “The Tough Questions” in regards to Israel at JNF’s National Conference in Manhattan.
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