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סיפורי יהדות צפון אפריקה והמזרח התיכון 
CAMERA on Campus is proud to announce the launch of Mizrahi Stories, a month-long campaign during November—Mizrahi Heritage Month, which recognizes the culture of Jewish communities from North Africa and the Middle East. To tell those stories, we have planned a series of initiatives to educate students about the history of Mizrahi Jewish communities including digital advocacy, student-led events on university campuses, tabling, and displays on college grounds, all highlighting important Mizrahi experiences. The campaign also features coverage of five additional regions this year; Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Tunisia, and the Caucuses. The rich and beautiful culture of Israel would not be what it is today without Mizrahi Jews. Comprising half of the Jewish population in Israel, they have enriched and defined all domains of Israeli culture, most notably music, cuisine, research, politics, and religious practice. Without Mizrahi Jews and their heritage, it would be impossible to understand Israel today. As a Mizrahi Jew, I am proud to be a part of CAMERA’s Mizrahi Stories initiative!” said Avner Yeshurun, 2021-2022 CAMERA fellow at the University of Miami. To read the full press release, follow JNS. To take part in the campaign, please make sure to follow CAMERAonCampus on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share suggested content with the #MizrahiStories. Please visit our campaign website at for more material!
“The Blue and White Elephant in the Room”
In the Times of Israel, CAMERA’s Israel Campus Advisor, Tom Yohay, covered the Sunshine Movement’s DC chapter’s egregious, antisemitic refusal to participate in a rally with several Jewish organizations due to their support for Israel and Zionism. Though they were condemned by the national movement for their behavior, the chapter’s leaders were not reprimanded specifically for their fallacious remarks on Israel and were pardoned after apologizing only for pointing out the Jewish organizations who support Israel and not others. Read more at the Times of Israel. Read Tom’s article original article published in Hebrew at זמן ישראל.

CAMERA on Campus is Hiring! 

CAMERA seeks a full-time campus advisor to join its growing team of young professionals. The advisor will oversee CAMERA Fellows on US campuses. This includes helping them to organize educational events on campus and to write and publish op-eds for various news outlets. Furthermore, the advisor will help develop and implement effective measures to expand CAMERA’s presence on campuses in the US. The position will be based in our Boston office. Interested applicants should send resumes, cover letters, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please Click here for more information about the open position.
Sally Rooney is another Example of anti-Israel Hate within Ireland
“Rooney states that she would like to see a Hebrew translation of her latest work if it can comply with the ‘BDS movement’s institutional boycott guidelines.’ In other words, there is now a Palestinian veto over her relations with Jews and the Jewish state.” לחצו כאן to continue reading the analysis of Sally Rooney’s refusal to publish her book in Hebrew by CAMERA’s UK Campus Associate, Daniel O’Dowd. Through social media, CAMERA on Campus is identifying some of the most common rhetoric put out by anti-Israel activists, such as claiming that the BDS movement is a peaceful, political movement against Israeli policies, and using our platforms to educate on its meaning and historical context as well as identifying best practices on how best to respond. Make sure to follow us @cameraoncampus on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Exclusive CAMERA Fellowship Event with Jonathan Elkoury
Throughout the academic school year, CAMERA will be providing exclusive webinars for CAMERA Fellows, allowing them to engage in in-depth conversations with some of the most renowned scholars on Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. The 2021-2022 CAMERA Fellowship cohort had an intimate conversation with Jonathan Elkhoury. Since Jonathan’s father was part of the South Lebanese Army (SLA), he and his whole family were seen as enemies to Hezbollah and their lives were in danger. In 2000, Israel rescued thousands of Lebanese and brought them to live in Israel, including Jonathan and his family. Jonathan spoke with the CAMERA Fellows about growing up in Israel as part of the minority population and discussed the current precarious situation in Lebanon.
Click Here to Support Students
Involved with an independent, student-run Israel group? Apply to become a member of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition!
Israel group and society members of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition learn life-long skills in debate, writing, and public speaking, and benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA scholars. If you are part of an independent Israel organization on your campus or want to start an Israel club, apply here!
CAMERA on Campus Event Highlights
Over the last month, more than a dozen events were hosted by CAMERA Fellows and student group members of CAMERA’s on Campus Coalition. CAMERA Fellows hosted high-profile speakers to address issues relating to the LGBQT community, Palestinian human rights issues that are ignored by the so-called “social justice warriors,” and personal stories by different members of the Mizrahi community leading up to our #Mizrahi Stories campaign for November. These speakers included: Hen Mazzig, Bassem Eid, and Manashe Khaimov. In addition to our guest speakers, CAMERA’s Campus Advisors led workshops for mechinot in Israel, participated in a panel discussion for a conference hosted by the pro-Israel organization, Passages, and visited universities, meeting with students and campus professionals alike across Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Save the Date! Giving Tuesday is November 30th
On this Giving Tuesday, please consider donating to CAMERA so that we can continue providing university students with the tools necessary to defeat antisemitism and challenge the malicious lies spread about Israel and her people. 
“My relationship with Zionism is as connected to my life as breathing. I have been vocally supportive of Israel since I was around two years old, so it truly is second nature to me. I am empowered to be a Zionist because of my ancestry in the land of Israel and our deep connection to it. I want to use this passion to educate others about Israel and Zionism.” Thanks, @saedye_hilf!
“This Is What A Zionist Looks Like” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs. To be featured in our  #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign, please follow this link.
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