Confronting Campus Antisemites During “Israeli Apartheid Week”
Throughout March, the CAMERA on Campus team, along with our network of fellows and coalition members across the United States, United Kingdom, and Israel, executed our most significant effort to challenge the misleading narrative promoted by Students for Justice in Palestine and other antisemitic campus groups. As part of our “Apartheid Week Exposed” campaign, we published strategic and informative articles in campus and off-campus outlets. We also organized a multi-campus tour and hosted educational events that illuminated the truth.
Additionally, we launched a website: This online platform equips students worldwide with the resources they need to counter the proliferation of campus antisemitism and anti-Israel propaganda.
On Sunday, March 3rd, Sasha Chernyak, content and campaigns manager for CAMERA on Campus led a discussion with CAMERA students across the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel.
The conversation, titled Apartheid Week Exposed: Breaking Down Israeli Apartheid Week on Campus featured critical discussions on ways to engage the greater campus community, and develop plans to address anti-Israel campaigns during “Israeli Apartheid Week”.
CAMERA Webinar: Confronting Campus Hate Head-On
On Thursday, March 14th, CAMERA on Campus’s content and campaigns manager Sasha Chernyak and CAMERA’s associate director, Alex Safian participated in a stimulating discussion titled Confronting Campus Hate Head-On where they shed light on the problems students face, and raise awareness about the tools that CAMERA makes available to combat Jew-hatred on campus.
If you missed it, click below for a recording of the talk.
CAMERA on Campus Completes Successful Campus Tour with Social Media Influencer and Educator Emily Schrader
From March 4th to March 7th, CAMERA on Campus hosted social media influencer and educator, Emily Schrader on a national tour spanning four strategic campuses: Brandeis University, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UCLA.
Emily encouraged Jewish and pro-Israel students to not be afraid to stand up for themselves and offered effective strategies for critical engagement and proactive measures to curtail the spread of antisemitic and anti-Israel propaganda.
“The world must understand that the days of Jews cowering in fear are over. Jewish students and pro-Israel voices have the right to free speech and free expression. We will not be silenced and we will not be pushed aside.” —Emily Schrader
Exeter University Faces Backlash Over Alarming Campus Antisemtism: Calls for Legal Action and Safeguarding Free Speech
(Exeter, United Kingdom) – In a shocking display of intolerance and suppression of free speech, an antisemitic incident unfolded at Exeter University that has raised serious concerns about the safety and well-being of students on campus.
Six Jewish students conducting a tabling session for CAMERA UK were surrounded by a hostile crowd of almost 100 people, forcing an early end to the event due to the imminent threat of physical harm.
Watch the videos below as University of Exeter CAMERA Fellow Rojin-Sena Cantay recounts the harrowing incident on campus.
Florida State University CAMERA Fellow Itel Nagli hosts workshop on the relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism
On March 6th, 2024, Itel Nagli, Florida State University CAMERA Fellow hosted a workshop educating students on the well-documented relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. CAMERA on Campus has comprehensive resources to make the case that these ideologies are often linked.
Read more about this topic on CAMERA on Campus’s זאת הציונותwebsite.
UMass Amherst Students Host Campus Advisor Adam Gordon for a “Tabling Workshop & Discussion”
On March 12th, the Student Alliance for Israel (SAFI) at UMass Amherst hosted Adam Gordon, senior campus advisor for CAMERA on Campus to give an intensive and on-the-ground training on effective strategies to educate the campus community on the ongoing Hamas-Israel war as well as identifying and addressing antisemitic incidents.
For more on CAMERA on Campus’s cutting edge strategies, we invite you to read an article by Hali Spiegel, campus director for CAMERA on the topic.
Senior Campus Advisor Adam Gordon addresses students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Senior Campus Advisor Adam Gordon and 2021-2022 CAMERA Fellow Aviva Stein, address students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
CAMERA on Campus partners with Allied Voices for Israel to host Shai Deluca at McGill and Concordia Universities
On March 19th, CAMERA on Campus partnered with Allied Voices for Israel in Canada to host pro-Israel activist and interior designer, Shai Deluca at McGill University and Concordia University.
Additionally, Shai participated in tabling with Daniel Koren, of Allied Voices for Israel and Adam Gordon, senior campus advisor for CAMERA where they distributed educational materials and interacted with students at high traffic locations on campus.
The Problem of “As A Jew”
2023-2024 Yeshiva University CAMERA Fellow, Elishama Marmon
Image Credit: Elishama Marmon
There is nothing Jewish about supporting the slaughter of innocents or glorifying and celebrating those who carry it out. There is nothing Jewish about reveling in the deaths of Jews and non-Jews at the hands of terrorists. There is nothing Jewish about going to Congress to attack Israel and the Jewish people. There is nothing Jewish about supporting terrorism.
No legitimacy should be given to those people who proclaim their Judaism when it suits their interests, wear prayer shawls performatively to emphasize their Judaism and seem incapable of having any sympathy for innocent Jewish lives that were lost to terrorism. As a Jew — one whose religion exists beyond the bounds of politics and whose opinions encompass more than just the desire to see other Jews killed — I repudiate their vile actions. You do not get to use your Judaism as cover to support the murder of Jews. No one does. Never Again.
Durham University Student Union passes anti-Israel solidarity motion
Amelie Mitchell is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Durham University.
On the 23rd of November 2023, history repeated itself when the Durham Students Union held their termly assembly meeting and passed a motion that was riddled with misinformation and antisemitism.
Two years prior, the organisation passed a motion that supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement despite its history of antisemitism, entirely ignoring the concerns of Jewish student groups.
This time, the re-ratification and expansion of the motion to ‘stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine’ has been met by deafening silence; Durham’s student newspaper didn’t even feel the need to cover the event or acknowledge Jewish concerns as they did in 2021.
The motion, proposed by the president of Durham University People of Colour Association (DUPOCA) Nadia Hanter, claimed to be in ‘solidarity with Palestine’. However, rather than acknowledge the nuance of this situation or suggest constructive ways to support those suffering in Gaza and Israel, it focused on diminishing the trauma of Israeli victims and Hamas’ culpability of their people’s suffering.
Know your rights as a UK student on campus: an interview with Jonathan Turner by Rojin-Sena Cantay
Rojin-Sena Cantay is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Exeter University.
Jonathan Turner, the chief executive lawyer for UK Lawyers for Israel, works to tackle injustices relating to Israel. Since October 7th, anti-Israel and antisemitic incidents targeting students have continued to escalate with little intervention from university administrators. Jonathan was interviewed by CAMERA on Campus UK to help Jewish and Zionist students understand their rights and legal protections.
Hamas: The Latest Darling of Social Justice Undergrads
Nate Miller is a 2023-2024 CAMERA Fellow at Tulane University
Since its deadly attack on October 7, Hamas and its supporters have been waging a global propaganda campaign. That campaign has found particular success on college campuses, where “progressive” students have embraced “Free Palestine” protests and even celebrated the brutal October 7 attack publicly. A Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll found that a disturbing 48 percent of 18-24-year-olds side more with Hamas than Israel. At Tulane, where I have gained some notoriety as a pro-Israel advocate, a group called “Tulane Students for a Democratic Society” organized a march with “Tulane 4 Palestine,” in which protestors called for the annihilation of the state of Israel.
Jewish Students at the University of Leeds Targeted by Vandals While Tabling
Christina Jones is UK Communications Associate for CAMERA.
(Leeds, United Kingdom) –”We are distressed to hear of a second attack within a week (Read CAMERA on Campus’ statement on the 7th March incident at University of Exeter here) towards Jewish students at Leeds University who were trying to hold a stall raising awareness about antisemitism and the plight of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
That those advocating for Jewish lives are persistently subject to acts of vandalism, harassment, and hatred should be of deep concern to all who value an open, democratic society. Similarly, the inaction by the authorities in response to these incidents demonstrates a continuing failure to protect the rights of all British citizens. The relevant authorities must act to ensure British Jews and their allies are able to freely participate in society, and to hold to account those who would deny them their rights.”—Christina Jones, UK communications associate for CAMERA.
If you are interested in educating your peers about Israel on campus, correcting misinformation regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict and strengthening your writing or event planning skills, consider applying for one of CAMERA on Campus’s flagship programs described below.
Apply for the 2024-2024 CAMERA Fellowship
The CAMERA Fellowship is an exclusive one-year program with numerous tracks that cater to the strengths and interests of top-tier student activists. The CAMERA Fellowship application and interview process is highly selective but we encourage all interested students to apply. Our Fellows are leaders on campus, proactively spreading the truth about Israel to fellow students, professors, and campus media. Students from across North America, the UK, and Israel are selected based on their in-depth knowledge of the Arab-Israeli conflict, history of Israel, experience with Israel activism on campus, and portfolio of their published work. Fellows receive a stipend upon completion.
The CAMERA on Campus Coalition provides educational and financial resources for student activists who want to either create a new Israel group on campus or strengthen their existing, but underfunded group. CAMERA on Campus provides guidance and extensive resources to help you build an effective, independent Israel group on campus. Members of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition learn life-long skills in debate, writing, and public speaking, and benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA on Campus staff and CAMERA researchers. Click here to apply to become a member of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition.
CAMERA on Campus is on the search for a passionate Zionist to join the US Campus Team in our Boston Office. See the details by clicking the button below.
“This Is Zionism” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs.To be featured in our #ThisIsZionism campaign, please follow this link.