Zioness Co-Founder Amanda Berman and TV Personality Shai Deluca-Tamasi to speak at
8th Annual Student Leadership Conference
We are excited to announce that Amanda Berman and Shai Deluca-Tamasi will be speaking at our 8th Annual Student Leadership Conference, which is taking place from July 29th-August 1st. 

Amanda Berman is an attorney and the Director of Legal Affairs at The Lawfare Project and president and co-founder of the Zioness Movement, a coalition of activists and allies who express their Zionist and progressive values through collective action.  For Amanda, Zionism is a progressive value, and believes that we have every right — and in fact, an obligation — to seize on our own history and experience to advance civil rights and social justice for all others.

Shai Deluca-Tamasi is hailed as one of North America’s most prominent Israelis in media and television, and is the Design Expert for North America’s leading lifestyle program, Cityline. He toured campuses with CAMERA earlier this year, where he shared his story of serving as an openly gay sergeant in the IDF. Shai’s passion for educating tomorrow’s leaders stems from his concerns over rising antisemitism in North America combined with his desire to uphold the tenants of truth and accuracy in Middle East reporting.

The Student Leadership Conference is open to all CAMERA Fellows and members of CAMERA-supported groups. To register for the conference, click here.
Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished
together over the past year:
Focusing on the Funding and Leadership of IfNotNow
By JNS writer and former CAMERA Fellow Eliana Rudee.

…According to Aviva Slomich, international campus director for CAMERA, a media watchdog group devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East, anti-Zionist messages are an essential part of IfNotNow’s messaging. “Our concern with IfNotNow is not that they give the Palestinians a voice, but that they attack Israel, make heavily biased statements and facts, distort the truth, and demonize Israel and the Jewish people”…

To read the full article, click here.
An Open Letter to the Participants who
Left their Birthright Trip
“I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I am hesitant to engage with you because a response would give your rhetoric a degree of legitimacy. On the other hand, your rhetoric is so presumptive and your intentions for participating on this trip are so disingenuous that I feel compelled to speak out. Ironically, the guiding principle that has ultimately led me to pen a response is Hillel’s famous adage in Pirkei Avot; If not now, when? I am sure you are familiar with it.”

To continue reading Campus Coordinator Liel Asulin’s response to the IfNotNow activists who left their Birthright trip, click here.
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Outstanding Students Awarded at Annual Gala

“Two years ago, Knights for Israel (KFI) had faced Students for Justice in Palestine and their notorious Israeli-Apartheid Week. We answered with our own Israel Peace Week. That week was a huge success as we contested SJP’s “die-in” with our own demonstration calling out their members for their lies. KFI had so much student involvement that there was never a dull moment. Our event was such a success that we made an annual tradition out of it, while at the same time, there hasn’t been a single sign of SJP on our campus or anything about the dishonest Israeli-Apartheid Week.”

To continue reading this article by CAMERA Fellow Jake Suster, click here.

“It was an immensely rewarding experience for the Israel Student Association to stand in front of peers and mentors to share their experiences. Only a short time ago, Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) served as the main voice on campus in fomenting anti-Israel hatred and intolerance. This heated climate was evident in an incident on Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day. Irate anti-Israel students approached ISA’s educational table, yelling lies intent on smearing Israel. On a day like Yom HaShoah, it was infuriating to hear students exploit the Holocaust and use it as a platform to attack Israel.”

To continue reading this article by Julian Moss, president of GMU Israel Student Association, click here.

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CAMERA Fellows Published this Month
  • CUNY CAMERA Fellow Rebecca Fleigelman reveals widespread discrimination from BDS activists
  • King’s College London CAMERA Fellow Hadar Langerman on how the media reinforced Hamas’s attacks against Israel
  • President of CAMERA-supported group Julian Moss reflects on receiving the David Bar-Illan award for Outstanding Student Leadership
  • California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo CAMERA Fellow Roee Landesman delves in to his relationship with Israel.
  • University of Central Florida CAMERA Fellow Jake Suster looks back on Knights for Israel’s achievements after receiving the David Bar-Illan award for Outstanding Campus Activism
  • Strathclyde University CAMERA Fellow Marcell Horvath writes that the press should consider its role carefully.
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