Fighting for the Truth: A Year in Review
It’s been another full year of combating misinformation and promoting the facts about Israel for our staff and wonderful students. This year saw the highest ever number of CAMERA Fellows – 30 – and the expansion to campuses in Scotland, England, and Israel!

Fighting for Israel on California Campuses 

With the help of Campus Coordinator Hali Haber, who joined us last August, we have teamed up with four new California campuses. The University of Southern California, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara,  and California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo are all now supported by CAMERA. Where anti-Israel hatred and campus anti-Semitism are at an all-time high, we are proud to boost the pro-Israel student voice at these west coast schools. 

Student Tal Edelstein (pictured left) of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo recently gushed about his Israel group joining forces with CAMERA: 

Mustangs United For Israel and CAMERA formed an alliance only halfway through this school year, but we have gotten so much done in that short period of time. CAMERA was one of the organizations that truly made our Seth Siegel event possible. CAMERA has also funded many of our cool swag items, such as our new beautiful MUFI table cloth and our Yom Ha Atzmaut shirts. This organization is easily one of the best and easiest to work with, always looking for ways to make our lives as Israel advocates less stressful and more effective, two components we all struggle with on the college campus. Their staff is top-of-the-line, and overall they are simply fantastic.”

Bruins for Israel (UCLA) pose for a photo at their event, BFI: Israel Independence Day on May 9th.
In honor of Israel’s Independence Day, 15 CAMERA-supported groups held beautiful celebrations. Each event overflowed with a contagious positive atmosphere, our students making it clear to their peers what it means to be a pro-Israel student.
Realize Israel (NYU), a new CAMERA supported group thanks to you, made an amazing video of their Israel Independence Day Rave! Click the video to view it on Facebook.
Help CAMERA Help Pro-Israel Students – Donate Today!
Top 5 Blogs of the Year
Check out our most-read articles!
#2 Fact Checking Omar Barghouti
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: An Open Letter to Mamdouh Shoukri
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Many thanks from our staff!
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