CAMERA to Award Outstanding Students at Annual Gala
At this year’s annual CAMERA Gala, the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism will be awarded to CAMERA-supported Kings College London Israel Society. The KCL Israel Society had a full and eventful year, starting with Hen Mazzig’s CAMERA event hosted at University College London and co-sponsored by CAMERA-supported UCL Friends of Israel Society. Hen only managed to speak for 15 minutes due to violent protesters outside who intimidated and physically blocked students in the event room. KCL Israel Society’s impressive lineup of speakers this year has included Sir Eric Pickles, Dan Schueftan, Jonathan Elkhoury, Bassem Eid, and Nir Boms.

KCL Israel Society President Hadar Langerman will accept the award on behalf of the society, which aims to foster a greater understanding of social, political, and cultural aspects of Israel for all students as well as represent the interests of Israeli students and academics at KCL. Furthermore, the Israel Society publicly advocates for the State of Israel in the University whenever the need arises. An all-inclusive society, it organizes speakers and social events for both intellectual engagement and fun communal interaction. 

CAMERA Fellow Jody Miller of California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo will accept the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Student Leadership on behalf of CAMERA-supported group Mustangs United for Israel. Jody, a third-year journalism student, tirelessly advocates for Israel as a Fellow for CAMERA and an executive board member of Mustangs United for Israel.

In the two years since its founding, MUFI has grown to an 18-person board with 440 students involved; won “Club Event of the Year” on campus for their Seth Siegel Water Summit event, an event co-sponsored by CAMERA; sent 20 students to AIPAC’s Policy Conference; co-sponsored and made connections with the Black Student Union, engineering clubs, Greek life, AMSA and more; worked with local news outlets including the SLO Tribune and Mustang News; and hosted many CAMERA speakers including Jonathan Elkhoury, Hen Mazzig, Gilad Segev, and Gil Cohen-Magen. 

Photos: Mustangs United for Israel (top left), Cal Poly SLO CAMERA Fellow Jody Miller (top right), KCL Israel Society (bottom left), and KCL Israel Society President Hadar Langerman (bottom right).
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for 2017-2018 CAMERA Fellows!

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לחצו כאן to continue reading International Campus Director Aviva Slomich’s article exposing Students for Justice in Palestine as a hate group.
Campus Team Attends Israel on Campus Coalition Field Professionals Retreat in Washington, DC
This month, the campus team attended the ICC’s Field Professionals Retreat, where we had the opportunity to network with over 20 pro-Israel campus organizations and engage in professional development for three days. You can read our staff’s reflection on the experience here.
Sponsored by CAMERA on Campus and StandWithUs, join FLI in Gainesville for an incredible weekend of keynote speakers, seminars, and special events, and learn innovative ways to advocate for Israel on your college campus. This unique experience will educate and empower student leaders from universities across the state of Florida to ultimately create a unified statewide front for pro-Israel advocacy. לחצו כאן for more information!
Introducing our 2016-2017 CAMERA Fellows
לחצו כאן to apply for the 2017-2018 CAMERA Fellowship
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