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Newsletter – August 2021
Click here or on the image above for a sneak peek at Professor Gil Troy’s conversation with CAMERA’s conference participants.
College campuses are a hotbed of anti-Zionist activity with students from far-left, progressive groups calling for their schools to participate in the BDS movement against Israel, coupled with professors who publicly criticize the Jewish state during class. Added to that are incidents of anti-Semitism on campus, including verbal threats, vandalism such as swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti.

As speaker, professor and author Gil Troy told the students, “When you stand up on campus and increasingly in the public square these days, and when you stand up with CAMERA, it takes a huge amount of courage. … All of you have tremendous courage.”

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CAMERA Fellow Tehilla Katz Stresses the Importance of our Annual Conference
Originally from South Africa, Tehilla knows quite well what apartheid is – and what it is not. Unfortunately, the lie that Israel is the successor to apartheid-era South Africa is prolific on campuses. It requires vigilance and facts to counter it. As she rightfully noted“False accusations against Israel are common on college campuses, and those accusations are fueling antisemitism in the West. The CAMERA conference is important because it gives us the arguments, tactics, and moral encouragement needed to rebut the lies and misinformation.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

As Hamas Attacks Israel, CAMERA Staff and Fellows Debunk the Ensuing Lies

Image was taken outside of Israeli Embassy to the UK. Photo credit: Georgia Leatherdale Gilholy
Of course, Hamas has been attacking Israel for decades. But more importantly, much of the reporting about Sheikh Jarrah fails to accurately represent the facts. And the lies fuel antisemitism – our UK campus associate Georgia Leatherdale Gilholy saw it for herself on the streets of London outside the Israeli embassy. Read her account here.

Similarly, our campus advisor Adam Gordon witnessed an enraged mob harass CAMERA analyst Dexter Van Zile on the streets of Boston. Read his account here

For an accurate description of the recent developments in Sheikh Jarrah, read the latest from University of Pittsburgh CAMERA Fellow Joshua Beylinson.

At this point, the narrative is well-worn in the media and on campuses: the impending “displacement” of Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood sparked a devastating war between Israel and Hamas. It is, unfortunately, a widely-held assumption that Hamas violence, while perhaps regrettable, should be regarded as some kind of “response” to unforgivable Israeli transgressions in East Jerusalem. 
As Faulty Ideas Take Hold, CAMERA Fellows Speak up for the Truth
The Times of Israel recently reported that, according to one poll, “25% [of US Jews] agreed that ‘Israel is an apartheid state,’ 34% agreed that ‘Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is similar to racism in the United States’ and 22% agreed that ‘Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians.’ The numbers only climb among younger Jews: More than a third of those under 40 gave Israel the ‘apartheid state’ label.”

No doubt these trends are concerning, but as Duke University CAMERA Fellow Ben Stone noted in his most recent article, “…there are many young Jews like me who support Israel and can still question its policies. Our views are often overlooked in the rush to create a narrative that Israel is losing support.” Click here to read the full article.

Other article highlights

The “pinkwashing” canard is no less mendacious than labeling Israel an “apartheid” state. Click here to read Carleton University CAMERA Fellow Austin Pellizzer’s brutal takedown of the fundamentally flawed concept.

Anti-Zionist activists on campuses frequently justify these hateful tropes by pigeonholing Jews and Israelis as “white” and/or “colonizers.” But, as University at Buffalo CAMERA Fellow Chloe Greenfield correctly notes, “The land of Israel is the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people. With a continual presence in the land dating back thousands of years, and widespread cultural and religious themes of a return in Diasporic communities, Israel’s founding is a story of liberation, not of colonialism.” Read her latest article here.

Our fellows are the foremost voices correcting misinformation about Israel and the Jewish people on college campuses!
Click Here to Learn from George Mason University CAMERA Fellow Alumna Why You Should Apply for CAMERA’s Fellowship
CAMERA’s premier CAMERA Fellowship program is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. The fellowship is a prestigious program geared towards students who are activists, have an in-depth knowledge of the history of Israel, current issues, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and are excited to correct misinformation while educating their peers in a public format. This may include publishing articles in the campus paper, holding open educational events (online or in-person), creating and sharing material on social media platforms, and/or all the above.

Fellows receive a stipend and attend our annual student leadership training conference, where they meet with more than 100 student activists from across the US, Canada, the UK, and Israel. 

To learn more about the CAMERA Fellowship and to apply, follow this link. 
Involved with an independent, student-run Israel group? Apply to become a member of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition!
לחצו כאן on the above image to hear from Gabe Stone, president of Sharks for Israel at Nova Southeastern University, about his experience with working with CAMERA through our CAMERA on Campus Coalition.
Israel group and society members of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition learn life-long skills in debate, writing, and public speaking, and benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA scholars. 

If you are part of an independent Israel organization on your campus or want to start an Israel club, apply here!

CAMERA on Campus is hiring within the US, UK, and Israel.  Follow this הקישור to learn about the positions in more detail.

Campus Managing Editor Applicants must have a strong working knowledge of the Arab-Israeli conflict and Middle Eastern affairs, excellent writing and editing skills, strong interpersonal skills, and an ability to clearly communicate writing-related feedback and advice to students. Applicants should be comfortable – especially on Twitter – correcting misinformation and engaging with other users.

Campus Advisor CAMERA seeks 2 full-time Campus Advisors and 2 part-time UK Campus Associates to join its growing team of young professionals providing support and guidance to students interested in Israel activism. The Advisors will oversee CAMERA Fellows, CAMERA-supported Israel organizations, and help develop and implement effective measures to meet challenges facing Zionist students. Interested applicants based in the US, Israel, or the UK should send resume, cover letter, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please

Click here for more information about the open positions.
Click Here to Support Students
“Shalom, I’m Sakis. I’m Christian Orthodox, I’m 22 years old and I live in Athens, Greece. I’ve been to Israel before 11 years and I feel very proud for this trip. I study Civil Engineering at University of West Attica, I speak my native Greek, English, French and I want to learn to speak Hebrew and Arabic. When I was in school, I was the only child of my class, who had been to Israel and I had participated in a honor for the Holocaust in my last year in school. In geography and history, I always said that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel not Tel-Aviv. For me, Zionism is the reason, which the State of Israel will exist eternally and it’s the historic right of Jewish people, to return back to the Land of Israel, where their ancestors lived there for more than 3000 years. Israel is the only democracy of the Middle East and grants full freedom (religious, political) to all its people.”

“This Is What A Zionist Looks Like” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs.

To be featured in our  #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign, please follow this link.
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