At Summer Conference, Pro-Israel Students Learn Tools to Respond to Hostile Campus Climate

“A number of sessions at the conference were led by CAMERA campus staff to develop solidarity and bonding among the students.

‘Students are dealing with a lot of difficulties on campus,’ said Hali Haber, director of campus programming and strategic relationships, told JNS. ‘This conference enables students to meet other people with a similar experience, and to be able to converse and get advice to help them on their campus.’

[Aviva] Rosenschein, [CAMERA’s International Campus Director] said that this year, CAMERA is more prepared than ever. They now have fellows at some of the most challenging campuses, such as NYU, Columbia University, the University of California at Davis, [UC] Berkeley and [UC] San Diego, as well as Duke University.

‘Our fellows [are] ready to write more, hold more activities and programs. Students are ready to be active and not afraid to be the pro-Israel voice at these universities,’ she stated. ‘Our Israel activists are more emboldened and outspoken than ever. People understand they are on the right side of history and the truth. They will not be intimidated.'”

For interviews with some of the 80 students who attended CAMERA’s 9th Annual Student Leadership Conference and the full article, click here.

Check out the hashtag #CAMERAConference2019 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more!

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 Click below to watch CAMERA’s Douglas Sandoval share his experiences as an Oranim College Leadership Institute participant!
This summer, in a partnership between Oranim College, CAMERA, StandWithUs and the Hillel Council of New England, the Leadership Project offered students the opportunity to experience the real Israel in all its complexity and nuance, while studying the area’s history, geography, and demography over a period of four weeks. Curricular units included an in-depth look from multiple perspectives into critical issues in Israeli society.
 Enshrined Anti-Zionism at San Francisco State University and Many US Campuses

Swastika graffiti found at San Francisco State University. Photo: Daniel Yeluashvili.

“Recently, as reported by The Algemeiner, dozens of organizations petitioned the chancellor of the California State University system in response to San Francisco State University (SFSU) professor Rabab Abdulhadi’s use of the university’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diaspora Studies (AMED) Facebook page to spread antisemitic propaganda.

This concern is more than justified. As the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) correctly notes, ‘One look at the Facebook page of San Francisco State University’s [AMED] Studies department reveals that it is more dedicated to antisemitic political activism than honest academic inquiry.'”

To read the full article written by CAMERA Campus Advisor Zac Schildcrout, click here.

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IfNotNow Proves Its Anti-Israel Bona Fides
Members of IfNotNow stage a protest outside Birthright Israel’s offices in New York City. Photo: IfNotNow/Twitter.

“Amid the recent eviction of a Palestinian family from the neighborhood of Silwan, East Jerusalem, the radical left-wing organization IfNotNow pleaded with their community through Twitter to ‘…stand against the Judaization of East Jerusalem.’

Ignoring the particular history and presence of the Jewish people in that region, IfNotNow subconsciously invoked a term used by some of the vilest antisemitic figures and texts in modern history.

Here is my message to the executives of IfNotNow: Either learn the beauty and tragedy of our people’s history, or steer clear of it. Do not use false pretenses in order to exploit your Judaism to gain political points. Your rhetoric is not just inconsistent, inaccurate, discriminatory, and offensive; it is also dangerous to whatever future Israelis and Palestinians may have.”

To read the full article written by CAMERA Campus Advisor, Yoni Michanie, click here.

How we got Here: The Normalization of Antisemitism

Jeremy Corbyn at an anti-Israel rally (algemeiner.com)

“WHEN WE allow for the election of an antisemite we tell the radicals exiled to their houses that their Jew-hatred isn’t to be ashamed of, but rather grounds to have you elected to the mother of parliaments. The actions and lack of action by Corbyn’s Labour Party with regard to antisemitism have acted as a catalyst for racists to seep out of their holes and regain platforms to further incite their hatred.

The consequences go far and wide, and the normalization of antisemitism has spread to our campuses. From Nottingham to Bristol and countless places in between, student union officers have been found to be antisemitic by their universities’ investigations yet no action has been taken. After telling a Jewish student to “be like Israel and cease to exist,” Omar Chowdhury’s apology that came as a recommendation of the investigation was accepted as sufficient for Chowdhury to continue in his role as the University of Bristol Students’ Union’s Black and Minority Ethnic officer. Ridiculous right? But this is just one example. There are hundreds of incidents taking place on campus that get no coverage whatsoever because antisemitism is expected, and universities are reluctant to act. And why should they take it seriously when our own electorate and political leaders do not?”

To read the full article written by Nottingham University UK CAMERA Fellow Josh Lee, click here.
Join CAMERA’s Pledge to Combat Antisemitism
Combat anti-Semitism (CAS) is a non-partisan international grassroots movement of individuals and organizations, across all religions and creeds, united to combat anti-Semitism. CAS attempts to expose anti-Semitic activity in the world today from across the ideological spectrum and highlights those working to fight against its resurgence. One of the most pernicious forms of modern anti-Semitism is the effort to deny the Jewish people their right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, Israel, and to delegitimize, if not eliminate, the profound historic, religious and cultural connection of the Jewish people to Israel, which is an integral pillar of Jewish identity. Humanity flourishes when religious and cultural diversity is respected, and CAS hopes to encourage understanding so tragedies like the holocaust, or any incidents of hate-inspired violence, never happen again.

Join CAMERA’s pledge to combat antisemitism. To sign the pledge, click this link, and be sure to include CAMERA as the organization that referred you. CAMERA receives a donation for every one who signs the pledge, supporting this important cause.
Israel on Campus Coalition Field Professionals Retreat
The CAMERA on Campus team participated in the Israel on Campus Coalition’s Field Professionals Retreat this past week. Sean Durns, CAMERA’s Senior Research Analyst in Washington DC, spoke on a regional spotlight panel discussing Israel’s place in a changing Middle East.

The CAMERA on Campus team had the opportunity to hear from Israel professionals from other organizations, as well as students who addressed issues happening on the ground. They learned technical skills such as effective networking and how to implement strong security precautions during events. The team also had multiple opportunities to network with other Israel professionals, plan collaboration for the year, and build personal relationships that make their professional ones stronger.
Click here to help us ensure all students have the opportunity to support Israel on campus
CAMERA Fellow Spotlight
“Attending the CAMERA conference was an unforgettable experience for me. Being in a room filled with fellow Zionists who hold a zeal for spreading the truth about Israel, I felt empowered to learn from my fellow peers. In addition to the fellows, the speakers at the CAMERA conference were phenomenal. I was impressed by the diverse walks of life they came from and how their messages all converged to show solidarity with and support for the Jewish state. Between the speaker lineup and bonding activities, the CAMERA staff went above and beyond to make this conference one that has left a lasting impact on my Israel advocacy and overall university experience.”

–UCLA CAMERA Fellow and SSI President Jessica Khalili
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