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Newsletter – April 2021
CAMERA on Campus is proud to celebrate 73 years since the modern rebirth of the Jewish state!

CAMERA on Campus is Hiring

CAMERA’s campus department has two open positions! One is based in our Boston office, one is based either in our Jerusalem or Boston office. Whether you are enrolled in university, have recently graduated, or have several years of experience working in Israel activism, you can find your place at CAMERA! Follow this הקישור to learn about the positions in more detail.
Social Media Manager
CAMERA seeks a Social Media Manager who can enhance our brand and build strong online communities through our various social media platforms. The Social Media Manager will be responsible for developing and administering social media content that is designed to engage users and create an interactive relationship between our followers and CAMERA. The successful candidate will also be required to collect and review social media data to develop more effective campaigns.  The position will be based either in our Jerusalem office or the Boston office. Send resume, cover letter, and examples of graphic designs to No phone calls, please.
Campus Advisor
CAMERA seeks a full-time Campus Advisor to join its growing team of young professionals providing support and guidance to students interested in Israel activism. The Advisor will oversee CAMERA Fellows, CAMERA-supported Israel organizations, and help develop and implement effective measures to meet challenges facing Zionist students. The position will be based in our Boston office. Send resume, cover letter, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please.

CAMERA on Campus Launches New #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike Website And Social Media Campaign

Our team is excited to announce the launch of our #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign. The goal of the campaign is to reflect our belief in the right to Jewish self-determination, and we invite you to celebrate and learn about Zionism with us. We explore the history of Zionism through an interactive timeline, explore the diverse facets of Zionism and Zionist founders and leaders, and we debunk common anti-Zionist canards. In addition to providing students with fact-based research, educational graphics, and event ideas, we will be helping to publish effective and articulate articles. Last but not least, we have created an interactive photo booth on our website, where participants can join our campaign by choosing a photo frame, taking a picture, and including a bio that we can add to our This Is What A Zionist Looks Like Instagram page. Follow this link to visit our new website! Event highlight: On April 22nd, CAMERA hosted a conversation with world-famous human rights activist Natan Sharansky and award-winning historian Gil Troy for a discussion about their powerful new book Never Alone: Prison, Politics, and My People. Click here to watch the event! Article highlight: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with supporting an internationally-accepted definition of antisemitism that defends the Jewish people’s right to self-determination. Duke University CAMERA Fellow explains why in The Algemeiner – click here to read his latest.
Click Here to Learn from Binghamton University CAMERA Fellow Alumna Why You Should Apply for CAMERA’s Fellowship
CAMERA’s premier CAMERA Fellowship program is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. The fellowship is a prestigious program geared towards students who are activists, have an in-depth knowledge of the history of Israel, current issues, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and are excited to correct misinformation while educating their peers in a public format. This may include publishing articles in the campus paper, holding open educational events (online or in-person), creating and sharing material on social media platforms, and/or all the above. Fellows receive a stipend and attend our annual student leadership training conference, where they meet with more than 100 student activists from across the US, Canada, the UK, and Israel. To learn more about the CAMERA Fellowship and to apply, follow this link. 

Throwback to #ApartheidWeekExposed Campaign

On April 8th, CAMERA on Campus partnered with Hillel Montreal, Israel on Campus at McGill, McGill Jewish Studies Students’ Association, and McGill University CAMERA Fellow Jordana Schiff to host a discussion with president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law Alyza Lewin. Click here to watch the event! ———————————————————————————————————– On college campuses around the world, mendacious “Israeli Apartheid Week” campaign organizers attempt to demonize and delegitimize Zionism with easily refutable, yet widely-believed canards. McGill University CAMERA Fellow Jordana Schiff took to the pages of the Jewish News Syndicate to debunk some of the most egregious ones. Click here to read here article.

Watch: Gil Troy Speaks About Zionism at University College London

On April 12th, CAMERA on Campus UK partnered with UCL Friends of Israel, South African Union of Jewish Students, King’s College London Israel Society, and UCL CAMERA Fellow Tamar Klajman to host a discussion with historian and author of Why I am a Zionist Gil Troy. Click here to watch the event!

Watch: Mahrinah Shije Speaks About Indigenous Rights at Northeastern University

On April 8th, CAMERA on Campus partnered with Northeastern University’s Huskies for Israel and CAMERA Fellow Harrison Garcia for a conversation with Mahrinah Shije about Sephardic Jewish and Native American identity, global indigeneity, and Zionism. Click here to watch the event!

 Watch: Ankie Spitzer Speaks About Her Family and the 1972 Munich Massacre  

On April 25th, CAMERA on Campus and George Washington University CAMERA Fellow Sarah Schornstein hosted a conversation with Ankie Spitzer, widow of Andre Spitzer, who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the 1972 Munich Massacre. Click here to watch the event.
Click Here to Support Students
“My relationship with Zionism is a very intimate and personal one. After thousands of years in the diaspora, 1948 marked the year in which we, the Jewish people, were finally coming back home to Judea and Samaria, our eternal land. What truly empowers me to be a Zionist is the fact that we Zionists have an important duty, which is to serve as a light and a beacon of hope in a region in which the concept of democracy barely exists.” -Juan Caldes
“This Is What A Zionist Looks Like” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs.To be featured in our  #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign, please follow this link.
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Warm Wishes from the CAMERA on Campus Team
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