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2022-2023 In Review
CAMERA Fellows and Alumni Honored at 2023 Gala
CAMERA Fellows and Alumni Honored at 2023 Gala
Since 2012, CAMERA has presented the David Bar-Illan Award to a few brave and staunchly Zionists student activists. For the second year in a row, CAMERA also recognized several individuals for its Portraits of Courage Awards, recognizing the achievements of alums of CAMERA’s campus programs. Please follow this link to learn more about each of these impressive recipients.
זאת הציונות
Educating Future Leaders

Each year, CAMERA on Campus’s This is Zionism campaign brings together our network of CAMERA fellows, coalition groups, and community members to speak the truth where it needs to be most heard. This year, the campaign featured various activities and events organized by CAMERA-affiliated students, including talks by prominent speakers, a social media campaign, student-led discussions, and training workshops on US, Canada, Israel, and UK university campuses. לחצו כאן to learn more about the campaign and follow it @ThisIsZionism.

On May 13th, a group of strong, and resilient middle and high school students participating in Club Z’s incredible academic-year-long program to “raise modern-day Zionists who are articulate and knowledgeable leaders,” took part in an intensive writing workshop with Douglas Sandoval, Managing Editor for CAMERA on Campus. לחצו כאן to view the article the students wrote together in response to another student’s op-ed.

CAMERA’s Inaugural List of Top 12 Student Activists of 2022
In April, CAMERA on Campus was proud to publish an inaugural list of the “Top 12 Student Activists” of 2022, a effort that coincides with the launch of our “This is Zionism” campaign. All of the honorees were chosen because of their boldness and steadfastness in the face of adversity, apathy, and injustice. We honor them equally as leaders in their respective communities.
חשיפת השקרים של שבוע האפרטהייד הישראלי
CAMERA’s Apartheid Week Exposed Website Received 1.2 Million Visitors

Receiving 1.2 million visitors, CAMERA on Campus’s third annual “Apartheid Week Exposed” campaign educated more students than ever before. We give thanks to our partners and supporters for helping to share this important educational resource. To learn more, follow

“CAMERA’s Apartheid Week Exposed campaign is a comprehensive resource unrivaled in its ability to debunk the disinformation campaigns of anti-Israel detractors like National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). This Spring, CAMERA on Campus and IAC Mishelanu students integrated the Apartheid Week Exposed campaign site in their tabling and promotional materials. “Our QR code banners and flyers have received hundreds of scans by curious non-Jewish students. Undoubtedly, we will continue to make a difference. Thank you, CAMERA, for allowing us to educate our peers and improve our campus communities!” – Justin Feldman, Israeli American Council (IAC)
Annual “Apartheid Week Exposed” Summit in London
As part of CAMERA on Campus’s “Apartheid Week Exposed” campaign, CAMERA on Campus UK held an exclusive summit with Britain’s top student leaders, preparing them to confront the malicious lies commonly spread on UK campuses. To learn more, click here.
Israeli Students Take Their Activism Abroad
“As Israelis, we are responsible for sharing the truth about Israel. We speak to British students, answer their questions, and call for dialogue. Our willingness to sit at the table sends an important message even if we are confronted with hostility and bigotry. We also want our British Zionist friends to know they have our support.” stated Tom Yohay, Campus Advisor for CAMERA on Campus’s Israeli universities. To learn more about the Isreality delegation to the UK, follow this link.
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Does the National Union of Students UK Really Stand in Solidarity with Jewish Students?
In January, after the National Union of Students UK (NUS) announced its action plan to take measures to address its documented history of antisemitic incidents, CAMERA UK and CAMERA on Campus UK, with support from numerous partners and community members, published an open letter calling for the NUS to consider additional measures that are imperative to addressing the problem of antisemitism within the organization. The Jewish Chronicle covered CAMERA UK’s request for an additional measure by NUS noting that CAMERA’s open letter was, “endorsed by a string of high-profile signatories.”
University Students in Boston Stand Up Against Jew Hatred
MIT and Harvard University students did not stand idly by while extremists speakers Mohammad El Kurd and Amany Khalifa, who have a history of cheering for the Palestinian murderers of Israeli civilians and spreading blood libels, were invited to speak to their peers. Through petitions, articles, and protests, MIT and Harvard University students made it clear that antisemitism will not go unchallenged on campus. To learn more, please follow JNS.
סיפורי יהדות צפון אפריקה והמזרח התיכון
22 Partners and Supporters

For CAMERA on Campus’s third annual “Mizrahi Stories” campaign, 22 organizations and individuals partnered and supported CAMERA’s goal to educate the average college student about Mizrahi history and culture. Lyn Julius of Harif was one of several speakers who addressed student audiences, sharing harrowing stories of their family members who were forced to flee their childhood homes overnight due to threats of persecution. Please visit  to explore our campaign materials.

Duke University CAMERA Fellow, Alexandra Ahdoot, hosted Zionist activist, Hen Mazzig. In an article published in the Times of Israel, Adhoot shared her reasons for hosting Mazzig: “To me, the key feature of this event was the uniqueness of Mazzig and his stories. Hearing these untold stories and diverse perspectives about Israel is especially important in today’s day and age, as so many of these are hidden or distorted by misinformation and bias within the media.”
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Annual International Student Leadership Conference

For its 12th year, CAMERA held an in-person conference featuring the 2022-2023 cohort of CAMERA Fellows and CAMERA on Campus Coalition members. Students traveled to Boston, MA, for the 4-day conference from July 31st-August 4th, 2022.

CAMERA on Campus’s annual conference aims to ensure that these courageous students know they are fighting for truth and are not alone in this fight against antisemitism.

As Ohio State University CAMERA Fellow Alex Grosman told the JNS, “…it’s so incredible to see that we are not alone in our struggles; students here have faced similar experiences,” he said. “It gives us hope that there are people who still support the Zionist cause.” 


For over a decade, CAMERA has celebrated Zionism as part of our “This is what a Zionist Looks Like” campaign. This year we are excited to relaunch these efforts as “This is Zionism.”

“My father is Ashkenazi Jewish, and my mother is a South Korean immigrant. I am proud of both heritages, and it saddens me to witness the increasing hate crimes against both of my people in recent years. Much of modern antisemitism stems from misconceptions about Zionism, the belief that Jews have the right to live in their homeland.

At its heart, Zionism is an indigenous rights movement with progressive values. Contrary to what many people think, it is not a belief that Jews are superior or that Jews deserve to live in Israel at the expense of Palestinians. Most Jews are Zionist, but only a handful of us are brave enough to say it out loud. That needs to change.”

Thank you very much @elianajolkovsky!

“This Is Zionism” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs. To be featured in our  #ThisIsZionism campaign, please follow this link.
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