Dear Friends,
Happy March and welcome to CAMERA on Campus! 2015 has already been a momentous year for our campus department, and we are thrilled to share some student activist highlights from this past semester as well as what we are looking forward to in the months ahead!
Campus Highlights
Boca Raton, FL In January, CAMERA on Campus sent our Editor-in-Chief, Samantha Mandeles, to Boca Raton, Florida, to lead a workshop with Florida Atlantic University students. Samantha designed her session to teach the students to fight propaganda on campus; she focused on developing the students’ confidence and  eloquence in discussion about the Middle East, whether with peers or professors. By pairing the students and leading them in mock debates, one pair at a time, Samantha facilitated discussion between them and encouraged them to approach each position in a critical way. Her session showed the students how to build on prior knowledge, search for the facts, and then put the information to use in discussions, debates, and conversations about Israel. Learn more about Samantha’s workshop here!
Samantha had a wonderful time working with the students, and can’t wait to further deepen CAMERA’s work at Florida Atlantic University. As a university with our longest-running Emet for Israel group (through the CCAP program, CAMERA worked with FAU students to create and energize Owls for Israel back in 2011), Florida Atlantic and its Israel activists hold a special place in the hearts of CAMERA on Campus staff.
Ithaca, NY We are so proud of what our students have accomplished so far this year! Our Emet for Israel students at Cornell University, Cornellians for Israel, have had an extremely successful autumn semester. They’ve hosted speakers such as CAMERA’s own Yishai Goldflam to discuss media bias against Israel, an event which prompted new students to sign up for future involvement in the group. CFI took the fall
semester as an opportunity to “re-brand,” newly dubbing themselves Cornellians for Israel, and hosting a campus party with club t-shirts, free Israeli food and music, and giveaways. 70 student guests attended, as well as CAMERA Campus Coordinator Ben Einsidler!
During the semester, CAMERA on Campus staff met with our Cornell CAMERA Fellow, Reut Baer, who has been working with CFI to counter Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine. Reut has already set the record straight on campus by publishing an op-ed in the Daily Sun, and working with Cornell Professor William Jacobson, founder of Legal Insurrection, to make a viral video exposing SJP’s harassment of pro-Israel students. Reut has even been invited to join the staff of the Legal Insurrection site!
San Francisco, CA San Francisco State University’s Sociology Department sent an e-mail to its listserv advertising a talk by the anti-Israel activist Sarah Schulman. Our CAMERA Fellow at SFSU, Kailee Jordan, fights back. Read more here.
New Orleans, LA Student activists (2015 David Bar Illan Awardee Chloe Valdary, 2014 CAMERA Fellow Justin Hayet, and CAMERA Emet for Israel group founder Daniel Mael, sat on a panel a the premier of Jerusalem U’s film, Crossing the Line 2 (featuring our Campus Director, Aviva Slomich!). Read Chloe’s CAMERA article about the event here.
CAMERA on Campus is growing! We are proud to welcome Tatiana-Rose Becker to the campus team. Tatiana joins CAMERA as our newest campus coordinator, and can’t wait to start working with CAMERA students to educate their campus communities and combat anti-Israel misinformation.
Don’t miss the new film by Jerusalem U, Crossing the Line 2! This important documentary, which features interviews with CAMERA students and our Campus Director, delves deeply into the new anti-Semitism and and anti-Zionism appearing on college campuses– and what we can do to fight back. Host your own screening, and help stop the spread of hate here!