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Newsletter – March 2022
Each year, the false and antagonistic, “Israeli Apartheid Week,” hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters and their affiliates gets longer and more extreme. CAMERA on Campus’ “Apartheid Week Exposed” (AWE) campaign proactively refutes the many false claims that are often spread during this time on campus and expose the oftentimes antisemitic rhetoric and support of notorious terrorists that these SJP chapters, faculty advisors, and honored guests often share. To learn more about the AWE campaign, please visit our website at Exclusive for the CAMERA on Campus blog, Justin Feldman of the Israel American Council (IAC) shared with us examples of how to get ahead of SJP and proudly stand up on campus as a Zionist. Please follow this הקישור for Justin’s article and please submit your article that you would like to contribute to our blog (in English or in Hebrew) here.
CUNY Must Take a Stand Against anti-Jewish Harassment
After Instagram temporarily removed Within Our Lifetime’s (WOL) page for honoring terrorists during International Women’s Day, it’s clear this backlash against them, unfortunately, did not dissuade them from continuing to support supporting violence.  WOL’s Nerdeen Kiswani, a current student at CUNY Law School instead led a protest in NYC explicitly targeting Zionists students and professors and supporting violent means of resistance. These are CUNY-enrolled students harassing their fellow peers. Why is the CUNY system planning on doing about it? Read, CAMERA Campus Advisor and CUNY Alumnus, Walter Holzberg’s article on CUNY’s disappointing response to complaints of antisemitism within their campuses and what must change to protect Jewish students.
Want to be Heard? Join the CAMERA Fellowship.
From Boston to Montreal, to Berkeley, California anti-Israel hostility is found to run rampant, but not without pushback from the Zionist community. With Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts, CAMERA led a panel addressing the distressing anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric and activities Jewish students and their allies find themselves up against. Most importantly, the panel, including CAMERA Fellows from UC Berkeley and McGill University, brought hope to the community participants by showcasing the wherewithal they have to take a stand against the bigots at their universities and refuse to be turned into pariahs. Do you want to learn how to effectively educate your friends and classmates on what’s happening in the Middle East? Are you interested in penning interesting and informative articles on Israel while correcting falsehoods often spread by Students for Justice in Palestine members and their allies? Are you ready to build coalitions and hold fun, educational events on the realities of life in Israel? Do you know of friends or family members who this describes well? If yes, make sure to follow this link to learn more about CAMERA’s prestigious CAMERA Fellowship for university students. Apply by May 1st to be chosen to represent your university as a CAMERA Fellow and share with your friends and family!
The “No” Campaign Tried to Thwart Palestinian Solidarity Policy at McGill University
As covered here, here, and here, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) passed the Palestine Solidarity Policy which, declares that the SSMU will make “at least one public statement each semester, including a statement on ‘Nakba Day,’ reaffirming the SSMU’s solidarity with Palestinian students and with Palestinian liberation from settler-colonial apartheid. Each of these statements shall be authored by the SSMU Palestine solidarity committee.” CAMERA Fellow, Jonah Fried, who led the “No Campaign” against the Palestine Solidarity Policy told Quebec’s largest English-speaking media outlet, “The Suburban” that in addition to the passing of the policy being in violation of the judiciary committee’s order, “adoption of the policy would mean the SSMU will be in a position to advocate for divesting from Hillel and other pro-Israel student groups.” At McGill University, the anti-Jewish harassment and total dismissal of claims of antisemitism extend beyond SSMU. Read Fried’s article documenting a McGill professor’s support for anti-normalization efforts and attacks against peace discourse with Israel.

Israel’s Melting Pot

Pictured above are images from Hen Mazzig’s lecture at the University of East Anglia in the U.K., Jonathan Elkhoury’s talk at Tel Aviv University in Israel, and Jonathan Michanie’s presentation at Nova Southeastern University in Florida.  Despite the various intimidation and boycott campaigns shared by anti-Israel student activists, CAMERA Fellow across the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Israel continued to educate their peers. The events included discussions on recent peace agreements with neighboring Arab countries, and the outstretched hands of support Israel provides to all its Israeli citizens, including but not limited to, the Mizrahi Jews fleeing persecution from their home countries, Christian Lebanese fleeing Hezbollah’s targeted attacks, and the safety Israel provides its LGBQT+ community. לחצו כאן to read Avner Yeshurun’s article on Hen Mazzig’s recent activity at the University of Miami.
Mohammad El-Kurd, Admirer of the Second Intifada
Mohammad El-Kurd rose to “fame” after his anti-Israel activism this past May made headlines throughout social media as well as within the mainstream media. His public support for violence against Israelis and false portrayl of the recent conflict surrounding the Sheikh Jarrah community did not appear to concern the many Westerners who wanted a shine light onto this young, “extraordinary leader.” It should come as no surprise that he is now the star guest speaker for SJP chapters across the U.S. What is shocking is the lack of concern university administration and departments have with endorsing him as a speaker. After he spoke at the University of Minnesota, CAMERA’s Adam Gordon documented for the Jewish Journal El-Kurd most outrageous comments. Ahead of El-Kurd’s planned event that was to be co-sponsored by Cornell’s Neareastern Studies department, Cornell University CAMERA Fellow exposed the hate idealogy that El-Kurd espouse. Taking a different course, CAMERA’s Douglas Sandoval pointed to the antisemitic history of the Plymouth United Church of Christ, which offered a platform to El-Kurd after his planned American University event was moved off-campus. As Sandoval noted, “Both [El-Kurd and the church[ shamelessly continue to justify violence against Israelis, call for the elimination of the Jewish state, and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories.”

MESA Votes to Ratify BDS Resolution

Yuval Appelboim, CAMERA Fellow and student of Middle Eastern Studies at Ben Gurion University writes for The Jerusalem Post on how the MESA’s adoption of the BDS proposal is based on false premises. לחצו כאן to read Yuval’s full article. To read his piece in Hebrew, follow this link.
Exclusive CAMERA Fellowship Conversation with AFP Photojournalist, Gil Cohen-Magen
Throughout the academic school year, CAMERA will be holding an exclusive conversation series for CAMERA Fellows, allowing them to engage in an in-depth discussion with some of the most renowned scholars on Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. In March, the 2021-2022 CAMERA Fellowship cohort had an intimate conversation with photojournalist, Gil Cohen-Magen. Gil, who had just returned to Israel after covering the Russia-Ukraine war, spoke to the Fellows on how to depict bias within photojournalism, describing how photos can be used to manipulate coverage.
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Involved with an independent, student-run Israel group? Apply to become a member of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition!
Israel group and society members of the CAMERA on Campus Coalition learn life-long skills in debate, writing, and public speaking, and benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA scholars. If you are part of an independent Israel organization on your campus or want to start an Israel club, apply here!
“Growing up in a small Jewish bubble, I never really had to think about Zionism. That quickly changed when I first encountered antisemitism, and this bubble popped. At that moment, it became clear to me the importance of Zionism. Zionism is a unifying movement that unites Jews and non-Jews alike in the belief that the Jewish people have a right to self-determinate in their ancestral homeland. This idea has been part of Jewish ideology for decades, giving many Jewish people hope during times of persecution and struggle. Recently anti-Israel groups have tried to sully the term Zionism and re-associate it with racism. The reality is, Zionism is an ideology that the Jewish people have clung to in the face of racism. Zionism is not a dirty word, Zionism is hope, Zionism is unity, and that is why I am proud to be a Zionist.”
“This Is What A Zionist Looks Like” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project that aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs.To be featured in our  #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign, please follow this link.
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