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Newsletter – January/February 2021

CAMERA on Campus is Hiring

CAMERA’s campus department has three open positions! One based in our Boston office, one based either in our Jerusalem or Boston office and a part-time position based within the UK. Whether you are enrolled in university, have recently graduated, or have several years of experience working professionally sharing knowledge about Israel or supporting Israel activism, you can find your place at CAMERA! Follow this הקישור to learn about the positions in more detail.
Social Media Manager
CAMERA seeks a Social Media Manager who can enhance our brand and build strong online communities through our various social media platforms. The Social Media Manager will be responsible for developing and administering social media content that is designed to engage users and create an interactive relationship between our followers and CAMERA. The successful candidate will also be required to collect and review social media data to develop more effective campaigns.  The position will be based either in our Jerusalem office or the Boston office. Send resume, cover letter, and examples of graphic designs to No phone calls, please.
Campus Advisor
CAMERA seeks a full-time Campus Advisor to join its growing team of young professionals providing support and guidance to students interested in Israel activism. The Advisor will oversee CAMERA Fellows, CAMERA-supported Israel organizations, and help develop and implement effective measures to meet challenges facing Zionist students. The position will be based in our Boston office.Send resume, cover letter, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please.
UK Campus Associate
CAMERA seeks a part-time Campus Associate to join its growing team of young professionals providing support and guidance to students interested in Israel activism. The Associate will oversee CAMERA Fellows, CAMERA-supported Israel societies, and help develop and implement effective measures to meet challenges facing Zionist students. The position will be based in the UK.Send resume, cover letter, and a writing sample to No phone calls, please.

CAMERA on Campus Exposes “Apartheid Week”

It’s happened every year since 2005. Anti-Israel activists on college campuses around the world hold a weeklong series of events, usually in March, that demonize Israel as an “apartheid state.” Speakers at these events falsely allege that Israeli policy toward Palestinians is analogous to the repression experienced by the Black majority during the racist years of South African Apartheid. Often, anti-Israel activists organize street theater and construct “apartheid walls” on campus in order to gain student attention to their outrageous allegations against the Jewish state. But CAMERA on Campus plans to disrupt this year’s “Israel Apartheid Week” with a new campaign that rebuts the lies and informs students with facts about Israel. לחצו כאן to continue reading JNS’ coverage of CAMERA on Campus’ latest campaign, Apartheid Week Exposed. Visit to view the virtual “apartheid wall” and to receive and share the quick rebuttals and materials created by CAMERA, debunking its falsehoods.
Click Here to Learn from SFSU CAMERA Fellow Alumnus Why You Should Apply for CAMERA’s Fellowship
CAMERA’s premier CAMERA Fellowship program is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. The fellowship is a prestigious program inclined for students who are activists, have an in-depth knowledge of the history of Israel, current issues, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and are excited to share this information, and correct misinformation, with their peers in a public format. This public format may take on the form of publishing articles in the campus paper, holding open, educational events (online or in-person ) creating and sharing material on social media platforms, and/or all the above. Fellows receive a stipend and attend our annual student leadership training conference where you get a chance to meet with over 100 student activists from across the US, Canada, the UK, and Israel. To learn more about the CAMERA Fellowship and to apply, follow this link. 

 Attack on the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

Between openly anti-Israel organizations promoting and contributing false and nefarious allegations to the IHRA definition and “progressive” Israel focused organizations trying to hinder the adoption of the IHRA definition by speaking out against it “as a Jew,” this thoughtful and conscientious campaign to protect Jewish students and combat antisemitism has caused quite the uproar at universities within North America and Europe. Despite the pushback, universities are continuing to adopt the definition and CAMERA Fellows and staff are helping to ensure that any false information spread about the definition that may obstruct its adoption is openly challenged and refuted. CAMERA’s UK and US team worked together to expose If Not Now’s recent attempt to smear the IHRA definition as a “threat” to progressivism.  Follow JNS to read more. CAMERA’s UK Campus Associate, Georgia Leatherdale described for the Jewish News how the UCL Student Union unsuccessfully tried to sidestep the Jewish students by aiming to vote on whether or not to rescind the adopted definition on the evening of international Holocaust remembrance day. Despite criticism from JStreet U and a professor’s signature of support within a controversial letter published in The Guardian, the IHRA definition passed without consequence at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB). UCSB CAMERA Fellow, Harrison Kerdman, helped secure this support by correcting any misinformation surrounding the IHRA definition within the university’s newspaper, the Daily Nexus. Similar to UCL, faculty within the University and College Union (UCU) branch of King’s College London (KCL) is trying to stir up support to rescind the adoption of the IHRA definition at KCL. CAMERA Fellow, Sharon Cohen, immediately published a rebuttal to this disingenuous attack on Jewish students in KCL’s student newspaper, Roar News. While several London-based universities are being targeted for their adoption of the IHRA definition, Queen Mary University of London recently commendably adopted it. CAMERA Fellow, Ben Kramer shared his support for the adoption in the university’s newspaper, The Print.

Watch: Eugene Kontorovich address Borders, Settlements and International Law for Law Students at Sapir College

On January 3rd, Sapir College CAMERA Fellow, Sara Goel, hosted an online event with renowned international law expert, Professor Eugene Kontorovich. The webinar, cosponsored by Yamina at Ben Gurion University, Kahol Lavan at Ben Gurion University, Im Tirzu at Sapir College, and StandWithUs, was designed to expose students to the legal facts about Israel. When reflecting on Sunday’s event, Lotem Shahar, the head of Yamina at Ben Gurion University, highlighted the importance of Israeli students understanding International Law in relation to Israel. According to Shahar, international legal facts are useful tools in the arsenal of Israel activists, and serve as an effective complement to the primarily used narrative-based activism. Read More To watch the full webinar, please click here.

Apartheid Week Exposed Workshop with CAMERA on Campus UK

In connection with CAMERA on Campus’ international campaign #apartheidweekexposted, CAMERA on Campus UK held an online workshop for the CAMERA on Campus UK Fellows and individually invited Israel Soc Presidents and JSoc Israel Chairs. CAMERA on Campus Israel Fellows also joined the workshop. As can be seen from the above agenda, the workshop focused on some of the most pressing current issues and included discussions with experts in the fields of activism, media, academia, law, and policy.

 BDS Fails at the University of Leeds

On January 25th, the University of Leeds held a debate on whether it should cut ties with institutions that were complicit in breaking international law.  The motion itself was identified as antisemitic as it only cited Israeli universities as the institutions that should be cut off. CAMERA’s UK Campus Associate and current student at the University of Leeds, Millie Walker, represented the anti-BDS position and commendably displayed how the motion was targeting Jewish and Zionist students. The motion was struck down after outrage by Jewish students was vocalized to the student union, and even garnered them an apology as simply giving this motion a platform made Jewish students feel unsafe. This was a massive victory as it showed that the University of Leeds stands strongly with its Jewish community and will not let antisemitic quasi-BDS motions create unsafe spaces on campus. 
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Exclusive CAMERA Fellowship Webinar with MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh

Throughout this academic year, CAMERA will be providing exclusive webinars for CAMERA Fellows, allowing them to engage in in-depth conversations with some of the most renowned scholars on Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

CAMERA continued the series on  January 24th, kicking off the second semester with Member of Knesset, Michal Cotler-Wunsh.  MK Cotler-Wunsh addressed cancel culture and the threat to free speech within academia and beyond and how this correlates with Zionist students feeling threatened and silenced at university.
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Addressing Blood Libels on North American Campuses
Israelis or Jews being accused as the cause or affliction of pain and suffering was considered to be the epitome of antisemitism. Yet, old fashion blood libels are very much back in play, taking on different forms and often found surrounding academia. The west coast often gets much of the attention when it comes to anti-Israel propaganda and intimidation, but unfortunately, it is also widely seen across the east coast as our CAMERA Fellows have shared with us. After the Canadian Palestinian Solidarity Collective on Campus published egregiously offensive and false rhetoric across their social media channels, York University CAMERA Fellow, Avi Feygin, set out to unpack and debunk their propaganda. Read More The Pittsburgh branch of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) continued to spread their organization’s produced blood libel blaming Israel for American police brutality. University of Pittsburgh CAMERA Fellow, Aidan Segal, made ensure that his peers at Pittsburgh wouldn’t be manipulated into believing these dangerous lies. Aidan published a cohesive rebuttal to JVP’s claim in his university’s newspaper, The Pitt News. A few months back, we shared how Cornell University gave space to Brown University Professor Ariella Azoulay, who used her platform to demonize Jewish Israelis. Soon after, another notorious pro-BDS guest lecturer, Swarthmore College Assistant Professor Sa’ed Atshan, was invited to provide a lecture to a class on Israel’s deliberate use of “pink-washing” to cover-up their human rights violations against the Palestinian people. Bar-Ilan University CAMERA Fellow, Tehilla Katz, shared for the Algemeiner details about both lectures and how the elite Cornell University has a played hand in the erasure of facts from academia.
#This Is What A Zionist Looks Like
“Hi i’m Tai i’m a lone solider currently from San Diego! I was involved in Israel Scouts my whole life and I have grown up speaking Hebrew at home and having Israel be the forefront of my culture. Currently i’m in the Army, I just drafted in December after preparing for three months in Garin Tzabar near the Kineret in Kibbutz Afikim! I love Israel and I am proud to be in the IDF representing and serving my country.”
“This Is What A Zionist Looks Like” is a CAMERA on Campus Instagram project which aims to show the world that Zionists come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests. We showcase different Zionists, their stories, their interests, and their beliefs.To be featured in our  #ThisIsWhatAZionistLooksLike campaign, please follow this link.
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