4 minute read

My Terrorist (2002)

Director: Yulie Cohen Gerstel

This film chronicles the personal journey of the filmmaker from victim of a terrorist attack to advocate for the jailed perpetrator. Gerstel's campaign to free Mihyi serves as the vehicle for Gerstel to promote the political agenda she shares with her mentor, Ha’aretz columnist Gideon Levy who also appears in...

10 minute read

Occupation 101

Director: Sufyan Omeish, Abdallah Omeish

This blanket excusal of violence introduces Occupation 101, a film designed to evoke sympathy for Palestinians and contempt for Israel. What follows is ninety minutes of indoctrination. Scenes of squalid refugee camps, Israeli soldiers confronting protesters, despairing Palestinian mothers and teary-eyed children serve as a backdrop to well-rehearsed indictments of...

6 minute read

One Day in September (1999)

Director: Kevin Macdonald

The events of that day and their overall impact are told through live film clips, news broadcasts and interviews with police, close relatives of victims, and the sole surviving perpetrator. The film reveals the lack of vigilance on the part of the Germans, Israelis and Olympic authorities and exposes the...

10 minute read

Palestine is Still the Issue (2002)

Director: John Pilger

Filmmaker John Pilger does not pretend to deliver an objective view of his subject matter. In fact, he scoffs at the whole notion of journalistic impartiality. "Impartiality and objectivity now mean the establishment point of view..." he declared derisively in a 2002 interview with the Progressive. Those journalists who claim...

5 minute read

Peace and Prosperity in the West Bank? (2009)

Director: Brian Epstein, Brenda Breslauer, Monica Iskander

Film adopts the premise that Israeli occupation is the direct cause of Palestinian hardship, but does not explain that the occupation arose as a result of the stubborn refusal of the Arabs to live at peace with the Jewish state. Refreshingly, the segment moves beyond dogma, focusing instead on practical...

3 minute read

Inside Israel’s Army

Director: Michal Zilberman, Michele Mitchell

Inside Israel’s Army, which aired on July 17, 2009, profiles the views and experiences of three Israeli reservists who served in the war in Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2009. Correspondent Michele Mitchell and producer Michal Zilberman produced an excellent piece of journalism by handling their interviews in a...

5 minute read

Suicide Killers (2006)

Director: Pierre Rehov

Film delves into the aberrant phenomenon of suicide killings that has gained currency among radical Islamists over the last decade. The filmmaker investigates the motives and driving forces behind the attackers through interviews with psychologists, terrorism experts, family members, victims, and most compellingly, with failed and would-be suicide killers themselves.

4 minute read

The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs (1998)

Director: David Ash, Dai Richards

The first major project of its kind in six years, the joint BBC-WGBH production traces the turbulent events of the last half century since the founding of the modern nation of Israel, presented from the vantage of statesmen, military experts and individuals involved in key events.