On March 18, Yishai Goldflam, Presspectiva director, visited CUNY Baruch College in New York. He spoke to 25 engaged students about CAMERA’s Israel division, פרספקטיבה - Presspectiva, as well as CAMERA and Presspectiva’s mission—to change the negative portrayal of Israel in the media. Mr. Goldflam also spoke about the two state solution.


According to Alisa Rudy, the CAMERA Fellow who organized the event, the goals of the event were met, namely that Mr. Goldflam enabled students to think about “the factors preventing peace from being achieved” and the students were “appreciative of everything” that Mr. Goldflam said. Students also thought that Goldflam was an “amazing” speaker.

Yishai Goldflam
Yishai Goldflam

During the question and answer period after Mr. Goldflam’s talk, questions included asking for examples of inaccurate portrayal of Israel in the media. Mr. Goldflam responded by talking about a recent article in Ha’aretz which, because of factual inaccuracies, had to be retracted. Especially popular was the question and answer period, where there was much enthusiasm.

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