While interning for CAMERA, high-school senior Rebecca Pritzker wrote the powerful blog piece Israel: The Modern Canary, which was republished recently in the Jewish Ledger.

Former CAMERA Israel trip participant Romeu Monteiro recently wrote a piece for his school’s paper, which was also picked up by The AlgemeinerIsraeli Inspiration, Portuguese Citizenship.  RMonteiro

Rachel Wolf, another intern, has had two posts in our blog, Spoon Feeding וותכנית המלגות Misguided Anti SodaStream Protestors at American University, picked up by The Algemeiner.

IMG_1387 - Version 2Our CCAP liaison for the Chicago Friends of Israel, Blake Fleisher, recently published his piece, BDS: A Hypocritical Movement, in The Algemeiner as well!

blake ishmael

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