It is unfortunate that even those dedicated to uncovering the truth are so consistently bombarded with fallacies that they begin to believe them. VICE, the youtube channel dedicated to showing the living conditions of those people most struggling across the globe, committed themselves to uncovering the “truth” about Israel and Palestine.

Sadly, though displaying a more accurate representation of Hamas in the video, “Crime and Punishment in the Gaza Strip,” a newer video, “Resistance in the West Bank,” takes almost entirely the Palestinian narrative, failing to properly understand the Israeli narrative.

Beginning with the name alone, “Resistance in the West Bank,” the pro-Israel side may call this “Terrorism in the Disputed Territories.” Depicting terrorists as martyrs and freedom fighters, the documentarians of VICE began their journey to “understanding.”

The video was wrought with fallacies from the very start: VICE described the settlements as illegal under international law, a disputed fact, and argued that “Hamas recently traded rockets with Israel” (Operation Pillar of Defense). VICE failed to note clearly how many hundreds of rockets were fired weekly into Israel by the terrorist group without a backlash and before a counter operation from the Israeli side. In regards to the settlements, the international law is tricky, but I recommend looking below:

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Seth Greenwald is an intern at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle Eastern Reporting in America (CAMERA) and a student at Clark University.