![Lilia Gaufberg's recently received degree. [SOURCE: Facebook]](https://cameraoncampus.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/13247850_10153574533009080_1983737088871193897_o-1024x1024.jpg)
In fact, as soon as I found my fervor for Israel and began putting that passion to use, there were times when you left me feeling bullied, deeply pained, lonely, and drained. There were times when you left me in an isolated panic, wondering if I was truly strong enough to confront the torrent of animosity against Israel by myself.
But, in retrospect, I like to think of it all as tough love from you.
Because I ended up taking that loneliness, that pain, that challenge with which you provided me, and I ran with it.
Clark: you taught me that I, a once shy, soft-spoken girl, could reach inside of my heart and soul and extract a dormant courage.
You taught me that projecting a dissenting voice with truth and conviction, while terrifying, is also one of the most empowering experiences a person can have.
You taught me that believing in a cause to the point where it runs through your veins and permeates your existence can trump any instinct to curl up and close yourself off to the possibility of resistance.
Clark, you haven’t always been easy on me.
But in many ways, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Thank you for all that you taught me. You’ve made me strong.
Contributed by member of Clarkies for Israel at Clark University, Lilia Gaufberg.