Any person who claims, publicly or privately, to value human life, freedom, truth, equality, self-determination or any other human rights claim must stand in support of the Palestinian people.
As shown by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice’s research the Palestinians’ basic human rights are violated daily, their children are indoctrinated and senselessly murdered. Palestinian women are left in danger of death at family members’ hands because of assault or perceived misconduct. The Palestinian lives in poverty under the thumb of an elitist and extravagantly wealthy governing body. As a people the Palestinians represent the West’s tolerance of human rights abuses.
Gaza is under the control of Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization under the leadership of Khaled Mashaal: billionaire amidst a sea of poverty. Hamas during the 2014 50-Day Gaza War carried out missile attacks on its own people, used children to dig terror tunnels into Israel, many of those children died. This, the same organization involved in the trafficking of African refugees, has killed Palestinians suspected of working with Israel, without the benefit of free and fair trial. Palestinian children grow up indoctrinated and watching violence endorsing, anti-Semitic televisions shows: Barney with bloodlust. Rather than touting kindness these children’s shows teach songs written upon the premise wiping Jews from the face of the earth would be a global positive.
For the full article, visit The Times of Israel.
Contributed by University of Alaska CAMERA Fellow Maria Lilly.
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