The Guardian Asks if 4.9 Million Palestinian “Refugees” Will “Return” to Cities…Where They Never Lived
Those who get their news from the Guardian could be forgiven for falsely believing that there are nearly 5 million Palestinian refugees from the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War. The truth is that there are closer to 30,000. (CIF Watch)
Whitewashing Hamas
Spanish news agency Europa Press avoids referring to Hamas as a terrorist group, yet does not hesitate to speak of “the Jewish terrorist” Eden Natan-Zada. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)
Israel Releases Terrorists, The World Reports on Freed Political Prisoners
A brief survey of how some newspapers confuse political prisoners and convicted terrorists. (Presspectiva)
Tenacity Brings Results in Complaint About BBC Ward Article
The BBC Trust has partially upheld a reader’s complaint about the BBC’s erroneous language toning down MP David Ward’s anti-Semitic remarks. (BBC Watch)
BBC’s Bell Suggests Maccabiah Games are Racist
BBC’s Bethany Bell uses the subject of sport as a springboard from which to try to influence audience perceptions of Israel. (BBC Watch)
Ashrawi on CNN: So Predictable – Anti-Israel Vitriol and Distortions
CNN International host Christiane Amanpour failed to challenge any of the distortions and falsehoods put forth by her July 23rd guest, Palestinian Legislative Council member Hanan Ashrawi. (Snapshots)